56: Leaving

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It didn't stop there. Harry and I argued for a week straight. I was going home soon anyway so I wouldn't have to put up with any of this any longer anyway.

"For God sake Harry! Stop following me around like a lost puppy!" I snapped.
"I'm trying to speak to you!" He retorted.
"I've told you to leave me alone! What's your problem!?"
"You're the fucking problem! I'm trying to fix this and as per usual you're being irresponsible!"
"Irresponsible!? I told you to leave me alone! It's not that difficult!"
"Are they arguing again?" I heard Sarah ask her boyfriend as mine had a go at me.
"Pretty much"
"Oh screw this, you're pathetic!" I scoffed at my boyfriend. I walked past him, ignoring his calls and got off the bus before walking down the pavement.

I sat on a random bench, focusing on my breathing. Me and Harry never argued and the fact we were now saddened me. I loved him with my entire heart.
"Eroda?" He's found me.
"Hi" I replied, not looking at him. He sat next to me and sighed.
"What's going on with us?"
"We're fighting like couples do?" I answered.
"No baby...you and I, we communicate. We always do"
"Well....I don't know then"
We looked at each other.
"I'm sorry" he said.
"I'm sorry too" I replied. "What's up? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine really. I just...I'm scared for us. You?"
"I'm...fuck if I know" I just cursed. Harry knew it was bad.
"Baby, what's up?" He asked softly.
"I-I don't know" Yes I did. Well, I thought I did. I was having such bad mood swings and my eatings habits were strange. I was eating so many bananas - I ate other foods but I always had bananas afterwards. And I hate bananas.
"I-I'm gonna go buy some bananas then have a nap" I decided.
"Can I come?" He asked timidly.
"Sure" I slipped my hand into his before we got up and went to the supermarket. After we got back to the bus we shared a long hug before we said sorry to everyone and I went to nap.

"Everything okay?" Mitch asked me as I walked over. Eroda had gone to nap in my bunk so I tucked her in and stayed with her till she fell asleep.
"Yeah. Poor girl, she's really not okay"
"Harry no offence but just because she's...sick or whatever, doesn't mean she can yell at you"
"No Mitch you don't get it - somethings really fucking wrong with her. She's not ill at all. We always communicate but...we've been lacking so much recently and she's on her period. It can't just be that..."
"Harry. Calm down" Sarah chimed in. "Go get get her some dark chocolate and talk to her when she wakes up. Properly. Even we've noticed she's been different lately. It can't just be her period"

She had a point.

"I missed you so much" Harry mumbled into my skin which was sweating along with his.
"God why didn't I do this sooner, it feels so good" I whispered.

I woke up quickly in shock. Why the heck had I just had a dream that Harry and I had sex? And why was it all so familiar? Like...de ja vu? I rubbed my eyes and got out of the bunk before going to the bathroom. I wiped off my make up, washed my face and brushed my hair before going to get a snack. The crew were hanging out in the seating area.
"You okay?" Sarah asked me
"Uh yeah" I sat next to her tiredly. "I had the weirdest dream ever"
"What about?"

I couldn't tell her. That's weird.

"I can't remember" I blurted out before we chattered like normal. Harry walked in a few minuets later, holding some dark chocolate and a coffee for himself. He gestured me to come with him so I got up and we went to the back of the bus.

"I've never seen them argue" I said to my boyfriend. "They've always been so happy but this past week they've been a wreck"
"Crazy, I know. I hope they're talking it out. Heck, we don't even know what's going on"

Unfortunately, we heard yelling from the back of the bus. We all exchanges awkward glances.
"Those two" I sighed.
"If you're sick of my bullshit then why don't you just fucking leave!?"
"Y'know what!? I will leave! Don't speak to me ever again"


"Fine" Harry sounded hurt. We were all shocked and silent. Eroda just broke up with Harry.
"Wow" Naomi said awkwardly.
"So...it's over?" Adam asked.
"It's over" I replied sadly. The whole bus was silent. A few minuets later Eroda appeared, her eyes red and a suitcase next to her.
"Hey. Are you all okay?" She asked softly.
"Yeah, uhh are you?" I replied.
"I'm great. Just leaving"
"D'you want any of us to come to the airport with you?"
"Oh, I'll be fine. Uh...I'll see you guys around"
"See you" We each gave her a hug before she was headed out of the bus.

The door shut and Harry was suddenly present. He looked like he had been crying a lot.
"Does anyone wanna play snakes and ladders?"

Along came Harry | H.SWhere stories live. Discover now