【chapter 3】

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Disclaimer: This Chapter contains mention of abuse, and abuse, please skip if you are triggered by this. <3

Calypso's POV

While I was getting the boys stuff ready, I tried to figure out why that scrawny boy had been staring at me for what, two minutes? He had this strange expression on his face, like he was mad at me for nothing. For all I knew, I didn't do anything. Heck, I didn't even know the guy, and he just walks in here like he owns the place. I shook it off. I had a job to do.

I set the finished drinks on a tray, before I could pick it up I heard him yell something to Piper. I heard him screech " HEY PIPES!! JASON WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" I huffed. What a dolt. I saw Percy, who I had already met, walk back over to the table. They burst out laughing and I cringed. I wanted to shield my face from them. I picked up my tray and walked over to the table.

I watched the boy and waited for him to stare at me, like I expected it because, well I guess I did. He never looked, so I felt like a fool. The boy Jason, whom I also knew, narrowed his eyes at the glass of milk I had brought the burly boy and looked surprised. "Frank, did you forget you're lactose intolerant??" He said pointing at the milk. Frank facepalmed. "Ah, thanks, Jason. Is it possible you could exchange this for orange juice?" He asked timidly.

I smiled and nodded, because I couldn't be rude. As I got the glass of orange juice ready, piper walked over to me. "Hey, Cal, Leo seems to want to get to know you," she said. I blew a strand of hair out of my face. "Piper you know Drake hates when i get with other people, especially boys." She said. Just thinking about Drake made me shiver and sweat. I asked Gracelyn to deliver the OJ so I could use the bathroom. 

What if Leo did want to talk to me? What if Drake found out? I grabbed the sides of the sink and walked out of the restroom after splashing some water on my face. My mind flashed to the last time Drake hurt me. "You worthless piece of trash," He had said. "I'm only still here to make you better. I guess I need to try harder." I flashed out. My face was streaked with tears. I gasped and took deep breaths. The tears kept coming and I muttered, "You are worthless. You deserve nothing. " I sat in a stall and tried to pull it together. When I got out I splashed my face with water and put on some slight and fast cover makeup to hide my eyes. 

I opened the door and saw Leo coming out of the men's room. I looked at him, he looked at me, I frowned and briskly walked away. Shit I thought. He probably heard me in the bathroom, crying like a baby. 

I stood at the counter and watched the table. After about five minutes, I turned to clean the back wraparound, when I heard a crash and a crunch. I heard Annabeth gasp and yell "Oh my God!" I turned fast and put a hand to my mouth. Leo was sitting in a pile of wreckage, of what used to be a table.  there was dust all around, and the floor was scuffed from the other bos moving their chairs away so fast.

I got really mad and stormed up to Leo. "What do you think you're doing! You broke my dining table!" I yelled. He blinked. "Sorry, Sunshine, I was just leaning on it, and it broke," he shot back. I practically boiled over. "Do not call me 'Sunshine'" I seethed, my finger in his face. 

He swatted it away. Annabeth ran up and started asking Percy is that was what really happened.

"We could get in big trouble for this, Percy. These tables are very sturdy, and it is very unlikely that they would just break." she said to him. I told Gracelyn and Piper, who still had their hands over there mouths, to get a broom and mop to clean this up, because all the drinks were spilled except for the cinnamon mocha latte. Of course, I didn't care either way. Less mess for me.

Percy nodded. "Okay, so um," he glanced at Leo nervously. Leo looked down, half ashamed, half "I know I'm stupid, embrace it".

"Leo was going to stand on the table again, but frank tried to stop him and put all his weight on the table to try and tip it over. Leo fell on top of it, and it broke." he said wincing when Annabeth glared at all of the boys. 

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