【chapter 4】

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Leo's POV

I can't believe that just happened. Poor Percy looked ready to wet himself when Annabeth went interrogation mode. I shuddered thinking about it. Frank? I would have to talk to him for fleeing the scene because, it was partly his fault too, right? Right.

I broke a dining table, which wasn't my worst, but it wasn't my property. I tapped my fingers on the wheel of my car, admiring the stares I earned through my windows. I saw someone in the latest model of my car, which made me smile. Always nice to see your own products being used by the daily citizens of NYC.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket from a text I got, but I ignored it. It was probably a worker or a friend. I shook off the look on Calypso's face when she saw me lying in the table wreckage. Her face was shocked, heartbroken for some reason, like she had expected more from me and then rage. 

And, oh man, when I ran into her walking out of the bathroom. . .she looked a mess. She had slightly red eyes and was breathing shakily, a sign or recent tear-shedding activity. I silently wondered why I was thinking about her. I shrugged it off.

For the rest of the drive I thought about how  saying "Go take a shower" sounds a lot like "Go reenact an epic lightsaber battle" . When I pulled up to my house, I checked my phone and saw a text from Piper, a missed call from my manager, and you can guess which one I answered first.

Beauty Queen (Piper le duck)🧅🧅🧅: Hey Leo! I hope this is okay but I gave Calypso your number. . .just so you two could talk. I want my besties to become besties!! Hate you more than you'll ever know, from Pipes. 

Um what? She gave Calypso my number? 

I'm looking at you Mr. Valdez you look fine as heck!: Pipes, wth! Fine I'll try it. But We'll stop talking after like an hour she's not my friend type. I Hate ya like hell, from Leo 

Then I looked at the message from my manager, and played the voicemail. 

"Hi, Mr. Valdez. It's Julet. I was calling to tell you that the "small insignificant loser" you saw trying to claw his way up the market has exploded everywhere and is almost close to gaining on our sales. I think it's crucial you get your sales up by December or we'll be in trouble. I have Hazel tracking the sales just like you asked, and she found we're down by 10%. I hope this found you in a good, stress-free mood, have a wonderful day!" 

Julet, do you HAVE to do this right now? Caligula Julius Caesar Germanicus, the rising businessman she mentioned, couldn't possibly climb that high in less than a week. . .what was he even selling? I shot into my house, ran up to my office, and sat at my desk. I typed in quickly what "Caligula Julius Caesar Germanicus was sellin" and what came up was. . .shoes. He was selling SHOES. He had managed to reach 2.7 million sales over the country, and had 89% customer satisfaction! 

That didn't worry me. . . my first week I had 3,000 cars sold around the country and currently I think it's 5.9 million around the country and 9.6 million globally. I had 96% customer satisfaction. I was still ahead but that was a lot for one week. . .I got a notification on my phone and looked at it. It was the new New York Times article. . .and Hermes Stoll, the second largest business man in the state, and thirty-second largest in the country, had died. I dropped my phone and ran my fingers through my curly hair.

Hermes Stoll had died? What the hell was going on? It seemed like my world was crumbling apart. . .it was all because I fell on my face this morning! I tried to call Percy.

"Percy, man, there's something sus going on-" I said into the phone.

"Ya think? Hermes Stoll died. . .and so did his son, Connor, as well as his girlfriend, Miranda." Percy said. He was better at this gossip thing than I was. 

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