40. universe

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"D, put your back into it, lift those boxes! Lift, lift!"

Rolling his eyes in Eden's direction, Dmitri bent down to pick up another cardboard box, this one with the word CLOTHES etched onto it, as if the previous two boxes weren't clothes too.

"Maybe you could help?" he questioned, only jokingly because he was doing absolutely everything in his power not to cry, even though he knew that by the time they were done loading all the boxes into Trinh's car, he would definitely end up bawling.

Eden shrugged, taking a small sip of her coffee. "I'm sayin' my goodbyes to the house," she defended as her fingers stroked Juno, who was seated on her thighs. "Besides, my uterus hurts, you can do it yourself! Well, you and Trinh. And Tariq— wait, where the fuck is Tariq?"

"Here!" Tariq yelled out from Dmitri's room, poking his head out of it and grinning at the both of them, giving Dmitri a wider one. Fuck yeah! "It's wild how you have so much shit in a room that isn't even yours. Why the fuck do you have your whole ass skin care routine in here?"

"'Cause I like Dmitri's room, and he's a needy bitch who likes sleepin' with me in his bed," Eden muttered.

She wasn't entirely wrong, but Dmitri wasn't about to admit that, because he knew that if he did, he would end up thinking about the fact that Eden was actually leaving, and that the house was going to be so fucking empty without her, and that she was leaving.

Then, he would start crying, and he definitely didn't want that.

More than the sadness of Eden leaving, though, there was a strange sense of peace. Not because she was the most chaotic person he knew and not because the house would be quieter without her, but because he knew that she was happy.

He could tell, right from the blatant twinkle in her eyes to the way she was talking to Trinh every time they came into the house to take the boxes from Dmitri.

And seeing Eden happy always made him happy.

Seeing anyone he loved happy always made him happy, which was why when Tariq made his way over to Dmitri and planted a small peck square on his mouth, before letting out a laugh and pulling away, Dmitri was over the fucking moon.

"What the fuck was that for?" Dmitri asked, letting out a laugh of his own. "Not that I'm complaining. Definitely not complaining."

"Oh, y'all gay gay..." Eden mumbled, probably to herself but Dmitri heard it, her voice too loud for anyone to not catch it, including Juno who just purred and buried her face into Eden's stomach.

Tariq huffed, handing Dmitri a box, who in turn, handed it to Trinh. "Am I not allowed to kiss you?"

Technically, they weren't together. So, in theory, he wouldn't have been allowed to kiss him. But then again, they were never really people who dealt with technicalities, so all Dmitri said was, "You can kiss me whenever the fuck you want."

Before Tariq could even open his mouth to reply, Trinh was the next person to say, "Jesus Christ, y'all are so gay."

Dmitri just rolled his eyes, handing them the box in his hands and going to take a seat on the couch since they were mostly done with packing Eden's things, save for the few spare things that she said she would come back later to collect.

Without Eden's things, the house looked so bare. Empty.

Dmitri was never one for decorating the house and making it look like it was his living space too, considering he hadn't seen himself living past twenty three, so now, the house was completely void of any sort of personality that it once had.

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