10. secrets

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warning: brief mention of suicide.



When Dmitri had heard that Trinh was throwing a party for his birthday, he didn't expect him to invite over fifty people.

Drunk bodies were practically slamming into each other, the air reeked of an unpleasant mixture of alcohol, sweat and perfume, there was a wine stain on Trinh's sofa, one that Dmitri knew would piss him off when he was sober.

Quite frankly, the only reason Dmitri was even at the party was because it was Trinh. And as much as he hated to admit it, he loved Trinh. A lot. And he wouldn't miss his birthday for the world, even if he hated parties with every fibre of his being.

"D," Eden laughed out, shoving into Dmitri, causing the two of them to crash onto the couch. "Dmitri! You have such a funny name. Dmi-tree. Dee-mee-tree? I dunno. You're D to me. Just D. But if you don't like nicknames, you have to tell me. Your name is beautiful. You're beautiful," she slurred, taking a swig out of her fourth glass of champagne— or was it her fifth? Dmitri couldn't be sure— and downing it in two giant gulps.

Trinh shook his head at that and let out a loud laugh, his dark eyes sparkling as he did. "Yeah! Dmitri's so pretty, and— I don't fuckin' know. I don't like men, but Dmitri, you're—" Stopping mid-speech, Trinh blinked his eyes once, and then, again, before gasping and saying, "Wait. Dmitri. Are you not drinking?"

I'm never going to forget my name, everyone's saying it so much. "Trinh, I can't drink," he reminded, reaching out to steady Eden's hand, which was slowly falling limp, the champagne nearly spilling out of her glass. I wish I could drink.

"Oh, right," Trinh mumbled in response, waving at someone else with a large smile stretched across his lips. Then, he threw a hand over his mouth and gasped. Again. "We can get high to-gether! Later, though. When—" A huff later, Trinh shook his head, clearly getting rid off the memories of his previous sentence as he sloppily planted an alcohol-filled kiss on Eden's cheek. "I love you, baby."

"I love you, shut up," Eden shot back, golden strap of her dress completely slipping off her shoulder until Dmitri pushed it back up for her. "Thank you, bestie," she mumbled, turning her head around to peck at Dmitri's cheek. "I'm so queer, Trinh. So, so queer. For you. Only you."

Deciding that he had seen enough of their relationship to last him a month, Dmitri patted the two of them on their shoulders as he disappeared into the kitchen, still keeping a watchful eye on them.

He had seen Trinh get drunk multiple times, and it was one of the best and worst things to experience. He got so reckless, almost to the point where he was a danger to himself and everyone else, and he did the most stupid shit, if no one was around to keep him in check.

Eden, however, didn't get drunk very often. Meaning that she couldn't hold her alcohol at all. But when she did, she was exactly like Trinh— reckless, wild and incredibly amusing to be around when drunk.

Unfortunately, Dmitri never got drunk.

Sighing, he poured a glass of water for himself from Trinh's cabinets, taking a small sip of it to make sure that it wasn't vodka, because the last time he had mixed alcohol and antidepressants... wasn't a good time. At all.

"Dmitri," someone's voice said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Dmitri. Watch me—" A hiccup. "Watch me shotgun this beer!"

And at once, as much as he wished he didn't, Dmitri knew who it was.

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