9. lie to me

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warning: very brief mention of suicide.



Dmitri couldn't believe his eyes.

A wedding invitation. It was an actual fucking wedding invitation.

Who the fuck decides to get married at twenty four?

Deciding he was most probably seeing things, Dmitri went through the email once more, really taking in each word, processing them in his brain.

Wedding. In exactly a month. Holy shit.

There was nothing he could have been more indifferent about than weddings. They weren't good, they weren't bad. They were just there.

"Uh— can I have my Latte macchiato?"

Hastily swiping out of the app, he forced on a fake smile as he handed the teenager their coffee, nearly dropping it because of how distracted he was.

"What are you doing?" Trinh suddenly asked, his voice cutting through the thick air, a lot warmer than expected for mid-February. He reached out his finger to poke Dmitri's side, his green bracelet almost falling into the coffee that was lying on the counter. "Bitch. Stop ignoring me."

Rolling his eyes, Dmitri smacked Trinh's hand away, ignoring his fake cry of pain. "I'm not ignoring you, stupid," he hissed, placing a lid on the styrofoam cup and handing it to someone, not even bothering to look up to see what they looked like.

"Well, you're doing something," Trinh sang, peering into Dmitri's phone, his mouth opening dramatically as he read the email out loud. "Dear Dmitri, I hope— there's a fucking typo in this email, I love that— you're doing well. Etcetera, etcetera, ooh, a wedding! Isn't Silas one of your high school friends?"

Dmitri just nodded, pocketing his phone as he cleaned the counter with a cloth, clearing his space up a bit so that he could feel a little more put together during his next hour of work.

"It's weird, right? Getting married at twenty four? That's younger than you," he remarked, making a mental note that Trinh's birthday was in less than a week, six days to be exact. And he still hadn't bought him a gift. My presence at his party is a good enough gift.

Trinh shrugged, his chains and earrings glinting under the artificial light above him, so bright that Dmitri had to occassionally look away. "I mean, I'm nearly twenty six, Eden's twenty five— we have no plans of getting married. But then again, that's just us, I guess. Twenty four is young, but it's not that bad. I've seen worse," he confirmed, pushing his hair out of his face. "You got a text, by the way. When I was reading the email."

That was a shock to him, considering he rarely ever received texts from anyone other than Eden. And today was a Monday, meaning that she was at school. So there was no way that the text could have been from her.

"Did you read it?" he asked, pulling his phone back out of his pocket. "Actually, don't answer that."

Laughing, Trinh shook his head, looking like he was about to say something when his phone began to ring, a One Direction song blaring from the speakers of his phone. "Oh, it's my brother! Don't fuck shit up while I'm gone," he instructed, before sidling out of the counter and disappearing outside the shop.

The place was fairly empty, so Dmitri used that opportunity to check his phone, his vision slightly blurry as he opened up his phone. Oh no.

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