19. swap

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Unadulterated happiness was so rare for Dmitri that when he was happy, he didn't even realise it.

He didn't realise that he was actually making breakfast for himself for once without Eden having to force him to do so, he didn't even realise that he was humming until she pointed it out.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" she asked, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she yawned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "You high or somethin'?"

Dmitri laughed, shaking his head as he continued to make his pancakes that rarely ever came out in proper circles. "Not high," he declined, adding a small, "Unfortunately," after it. I miss getting high. Damn.

Eden just rolled her eyes, laying her head on the table and mumbling, "I can't believe you're makin' breakfast. It's been so fuckin' long since you've made me breakfast."

A pang of guilt struck his chest at that, teeth involuntarily sinking into his lip, as if that would prevent himself from feeling bad. It wasn't his fault that he never made breakfast, or at least, that was what Eden always told him. He was just really fucking shit at schedules.

"Who said I'm making you breakfast?" he teased, turning his attention back to the pancakes in front of him. I should be a professional chef, look at this colour. "I'm doing it for myself," he justified, even though all the pancakes he had made so far were for Eden.

Grunting, Eden just raised her middle finger up at Dmitri, going onto her phone and typing out a quick message, her eyes lighting up when he placed a plate in front of her and pulled a seat out for himself.

"This is why you're my best friend," she mumbled through a full mouth, already finished with half of her first pancake.

"Damn, I thought it was because of my stunning personality."

Eden snorted. "You have no personality, baby."




Before Dmitri could go any further, Eden dipped her fingers into his glass of water and reached over, patting his face with her wet hands. Oh my Lord. Take me away.

Wiping his face with his t-shirt, Dmitri huffed, handing her his now tainted glass of water. "You're so fucking disgusting," he muttered, despite his serotonin levels being through the roof, because it had been so incredibly long since he and Eden had sat down and had breakfast together.

"You love it," she shot back, reaching her fork into Dmitri's plate and taking his recently cut up pancake, despite having a whole extra pancake on her own plate. Fucking hell.

"Annoying ass," he muttered, but she didn't look like she was listening, her eyes stuck on her phone. "Oy. Bitch. Stop ignoring me."

Shushing him almost soon as he said those words, Eden held up her phone for him to see, as if he could fucking read any of it. "Read this."

"E, I can't fuckin' see."

Eden just sighed, and before he knew it, her hand was reaching forward to smack his head. "Get your eyes checked," she ordered, proceeding to read out the message for him instead. "Trinh said that they're at Tariq's house and they want me to come over."

Well. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do with that—"

"Let me fuckin' finish my sentence then," Eden huffed out. Man, my pancakes are so fucking good. "They asked if you wanted to come with. Apparently, Tariq asked for you? What's that about?" she asked, her confusion apparent in the wrinkle of her eyebrows and the way she was side-eyeing him.

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