Relex One Shot- Willie Breaks up with Alex

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Summary- Willie breaks up with Alex and Reggie comforts him

Alex POV

What? Am I hearing this right? This can't be happening right now nonono "I'm sorry Alex.." I hear Willie trail off and that's when I let the tears fall "Willie Please, if it's something I did I-I'll make it better! P-Please just tell me what I did wrong and I-I'll fix it" I plead, watching Willie shake his head and left, me standing in the middle of the sidewalk, tears rolling down my cheeks, why is I-it always me that ends up hurt first my parents don't accept me and kicked me out, then I die and found out it's been 25 years, and now this, is there something wrong with me?

I didn't even realize that I was back in the garage until I hear Reggies voice, I wipe my tears as fast as I could "Alex? Is that you?" Reggie asked excitedly, I didn't have the strength to talk normally so I mumble "Yeah...I'm here" I hid the sniffle "Alex? Are you okay? It looks like you've been crying" Reggie asked worriedly, I didn't wanna tell him, I don't want him to be worried about me "And before you lie to me that you weren't, I know you were, I know you better than anyone, Lex" Reggie adds on, sighing I start tearing up again "W-Willie broke up with m-me" I sniffle, feeling Reggie pull me into a hug, I love his hugs...They calm me

Reggie POV-

That idiot, why would he hurt Alex like that! I may not be the smartest and am always happy but even I know, that's wrong. Alex loved Willie with all his heart and he does this?! I can't believe it! I didn't even realize I was shaking until Alex said something "Huh?" I ask and look up at Alex "Stop....It's okay, really...I probably did something and I-I'm gonna fix it and he'll come back" Alex says with a weak smile, he can't be serious right now. "Lex! Stop, please just stop. He's gone! And he's not gonna come back to you, I'm sorry I'm so sorry he did this to you" I start tearing up "But if he does that to you, he doesn't love you, he's an ass for doing this to you but please, don't pine after won't work, trust me Lex" I sniffle and heard Alex start sobbing, no...I made him cry, I hug Alex again and lead him to the couch to sit down

"Let's watch some movies to get your mind off it, okay?" I ask softly and smile when Alex nodded, I chose Star Wars, I wanna find out what the heck a JarJar is and why they added it "Star Wars? Really?" Alex giggles quietly beside me, I smile softly glad he's happy for now...well he was, he's crying again "H-He looks like Willie!" He sobs and hugs me tight, sighing I turn the tv off, guess no Star Wars tonight, I'll do it another night...Maybe a puppy will make Alex feel better? They always make me feel better, but those times aren't as big as maybe not a puppy

"Lex, hey shhh, it's okay" I rub his back softly until he calms down, he slowly pulls away from the hug and I stared into his eyes "Are you okay?" I whisper, only receiving a small nod from Alex in return, I smile softly and slowly leaned in, fuck what am I doing, he just got out of a relationship, before I knew lips were attached to his, no! Fuck! I just kissed my best friend(SECOND best friend, Ray takes the first place prize)

I pull away quickly "I-I'm sorry" I tear up and poof out of the studio

Alex POV

"Reg! Wait!" I call after him but he's already gone, sighing, I kick over a chair "Woah, Alex what happened?" I hear Julie ask, I assume Luke was beside her "Nothing..." I stutter out an answer "Where's Reggie?" Luke asks, I stiffen up at the mention of his name "Uhm...He left" I mumble "Left? What do you mean he left?!" Luke yells worried "HE KISSED ME AND HE LEFT! OKAY?!" I yell, startling both Julie and Luke "Sorry....Willie broke up with me and..." I start explaining what happened

After I finish telling them, they were processing it until Julie got an idea "Alex you look near the beach, I'll look around my house and Luke you keep watch here in case he comes back" Julie orders, Luke and I both nodded and I poof out to go find Reggie, where would he be? His parents? No he doesn't even know where they are, the bike shack where his house used to be? No...he wouldn't go there, where else would he go, I though to myself as I walk passed a pet store, wait...PET STORE! PUPPIES AND HAMSTERS!

I poof into the pet store and look around "Reg?" I whisper, even though no one could hear me, I walk around quietly when I hear someone talking softly "Maybe I'm bisexual...I don't's all so confusing, why did I even kiss him..." Reg.... If this were a different time I'd take a picture of him with the golden retriever puppy but I won't do that yet...Maybe I should leave him here for the night and hope he comes back, I don't wanna make things worse by going over there


It's been a week, Reggie came back but he won't talk or look at me, or even come near me and When I try to talk to him, he makes up some lame excuses and poofs out, I need to talk to him but he doesn't wanna talk to me, I've got to get him alone... "Reg do you wanna go to the party tonight?" I hear Luke ask, I was in the loft and they didn't hear me so I decided to listen in "No...I'm uh, I'm uh gonna stay here" I hear Reggie, perfect

Julie and Luke had left earlier for the party so now it's just Reggie and I, he hasn't looked at me once and he's more quiet than usual...I don't like this Reggie, I want the old one back "Reg?" I ask softly, he didn't answer me, but I know he heard me by the way his body stiffened

Sighing, I stand up and go in front of Reggie "Reggie can we please talk?" I ask again, he shook his head and stands up to walk away but I grabbed his wrist "Alex let go..." he whispers "No. we have to talk about this Reg" I said sternly "What's there to talk about, Alex?! That I'm in love with you?! And have been for 25 years?! That I kissed you when I shouldn't have?!" Reggie raised his voice making me jump back, he's never yelled before... "Reg...." I whisper and he shook his head "Reg please look at me" I beg and he slowly lifts his head, progress... "Look...Yes, I was shocked that you kissed me because I thought you were straight. But that doesn't mean I didn't like the kiss, I admit. I like it...a lot Reggie" I admit and his eyes went wide "Y-You did?" He stutters and I smile "Yes, you dork" I blushed slightly. Wait can ghosts blush? I don't know but if they do I'm as red as a fire hydrant right now

"So could we maybe....try that kiss again, without you poofing out" I giggle and Reggie didn't answer, instead he pulled me into a kiss

Finally....I've been wanting to do this since Luke introduced us, I was way to scared though so I hid it

Reggie pov

Is this real? Am I actually kissing him? feels like I'm floating on a bunch of clouds while playing with puppies


Make sure to leave request in the comments! This one was requested by wendyguardiansofgf

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