Relex One Shot- New Years

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Here's the New Years one that wendyguardiansofgf requested! It light not follow exactly like you want but I'll try! (I haven't seen friends before lol)

No ones POV

It was New Years and everyone was with someone, Except for Alex and Reggie, they wanted to be with each other but were to scared to do anything "Jules!" Alex comes into the house and continued talking "I want to kiss Reggie tonight but I don't know how or if he even likes me" he says in a rush, Julie giggles and put the turkey in the oven before replying back "Alex. Have you seen the way he looks at you? He likes you a lot, and I'm more than sure he wants to kiss you as well"

Meanwhile, Reggie and Luke were having this same conversation at the Cafe "Dude, Look. You like him, Right?" Luke tells Reggie who nodded his head "And he likes you Reg, so just lay one on him at the party tonight! Problem solved!" Luke grins "But what if he doesn't like me? What if you're just saying that, this isn't a pizza Luke, this is Alex" Reggie says making Luke roll his eyes "Trust me" Luke says and Reggie sighed "Okay Fine, but if he doesn't like me at least I'll still have pizza", Luke chuckles and rolled his eyes "Come on you dork, let's go back and help Julie set up before she kills us, again and I really don't feel like dying a second time"

Couple hours later

"It looks great you guys!" Julie smiles and takes Luke's hand in hers "And it's only 10:30! We still have 2 more hours until midnight!" She leans against Luke and points at Alex and Reggie talking "I bet 10 dollars they'll kiss before midnight" Luke says making Julie roll her eyes "I'm not betting you about our friends, Luke" she laughs and Luke crossed his arms, pouting like a child

It was nearing midnight and everyone was all excited and talking loudly when the sound of counting down hits "10!!!" Alex and Reggie look at each other "I wanna kiss you" they say at the same time, both blushing when they said it "3!!" "2!!" "1!!!" "HAPPY NEW YEARS" the crowd yelled, Luke pulls Julie into a kiss

Alex and Reggie look at each other, slowly leaning in and Alex makes the move, pulling Reggie closer and into a passionate kiss full of love

"Wow..." they say breathes as they pull away, Alex resting his forehead on Reggies "Be mine?" He whispers, getting a nod from Reggie

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