Relex One Shot- Alex Birthday

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summary: It's Alex's birthday and Reggie spends the whole night planning for a surprise party

Reggie POV

It's Alex's birthday!! Ohh I'm so excited! I've gotta plan! Oh maybe some streamers? Puppies? Ahhh I've gotta ask Ray and Carlos to help!

I run into the kitchen and jump up and down excitedly "Ray! Carlos!" I yell and they both come running in. With controllers? Oh well "I need your help!" I grin and Ray sets his Controller down "With what Reggie?" He asks "It's Alex's birthday and I need help, Julie, Flynn and Luke are gonna take him out for awhile and I need help setting everything up" I rush out in one breath which they both understand "Let's get to work than!" Carlos grins and we all get to work

It's been three hours and everything is almost ready, just need to do the finishing touches "Annnnd....Done!" Ray smiles "It looks amazing Reg Reg! You did amazing" Carlos compliments and I smile "Thanks Little Man" I ruffle his hair and grab the phone to text Julie, Flynn and Luke that were all set and ready for them to come back, I receive an 'Okay' from Julie and a 'Be there soon' from Flynn

I start pacing back and forth, worrying about if Alex will like it or not, what if he hates it? What if he yells at me? What if- my thoughts were interrupted by a hand on my shoulder "Hey, He'll love it, Champ. Don't worry so much" Ray smiles at me and I give a small smile back and nodded my head

"They're back! Hide!" Carlos whisper yelled as he hid behind the couch, Ray hides behind the kitchen counter and I hide behind the front door, hearing them come closer, I start to get nervous

"We're home!" Julie says and Ray, Carlos and I jump out yelling "Happy Birthday Alex!!", I watch as Alex's face goes from shocked to happy "Oh my god!"

Ray comes over and pushed me over to Alex "It was all Champs idea" he smiles and walks away I'm gonna have to talk to him about that later

"Really? You did all this? For me?" Alex smiles and I nodded "Yeah...I uhm I know your parents never gave you birthday parties so uhm I did one for you, Happy Birthday Alex" I smile and was pulled into a hug "I love this...I love all of this Reg" he whispers and I smile

I'm so happy he loves it, I was so afraid he wouldn't like it

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