Ralex One Shot- Valentines special

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It's the day of Valentine's Day and Ralexs 3rd anniversary day, Alex was pacing back and forth in a nervous anxious manner as he mumbles everything that could go wrong "Dude, stop pacing you're making my head hurt" Luke mumbles and wraps an arm around Julie making her giggle "Yeah Alex, it'll be okay" she smiles in encouragement

Alex nodded nervously and sighed "I'm just nervous, what if he says no, what if he doesn't love me anymore, what if-" his rambling was stopped by Luke slapping him upside the head "Dude he's been In love with you for 19 years"

Alex blushes and smiles shyly "You're right...I'm just extremely nervous" he sighed dreamily imaging how this would go

"Alex? Luke? Julie? You in here?!" The dense brunette calls and Julie whispers "You got this Alex" before speaking up "Yeah! We're in here!"

Reggie grins and walks into the garage where there's fairy lights everywhere, roses scattered around, Alex in the middle of the room with Julie and Luke beside him "Whats all this?" He smiles to himself walking over and pecking Alex on the lips, Alex smiles nervously "Before you say anything let me speak first, okay?" Alex smiles and starts talking

"The day I met you, I instantly knew you were gonna be the love of my life Reg..I love you with all my heart" He takes a deep breath before continuing "You've been there when no one else has, when my parents kicked me out you were right beside me, when Willie and I broke up, you were there, I love you more than words can explain and what I'm asking is...Reginald Peters, Will you make the happiest man and marry me?"

Reggie had tears rolling down and nodded "Yes! Of course!" He smiles as Alex slides the ring in his finger Kissing him softly

He mumbles into the kiss "and here I thought it was gonna be a puppy or hamster, this is way better"

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