⫷ 1 • The New Life ⫸

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*The art belongs to its rightful owner. I chose this character as my OC. A girl with black hair and golden eyes. So enjoy my reader!!!!*

I'm Jane Hellem, age, 5 years old. I have a truly amazing family. Although, my father, Richard Hellem, a well-known noble in the society. He is a little greedy over money but he still adore his children and take good care of us. Ah yes! I also have a big brother, Ethan Hellem, who is 3 years older than me. And finally my mother, Erian Hellem, she is the best person I have ever seen in my life (I'm just 5 but still...). She treats everyone with kindness. She never hesitates to help people of lower class despite being a noble. For her, status is nothing but a lame title. Sometimes, father argue with her because of her kindness towards commoners. But she don't give a fuck. Most importantly, her life lies in her children. Well, you must be wondering why a 5 years old talking like that. I wasn't like that until yesterday...

I was fighting with my brother and out of anger that cheeky kiddo took a candle stand and threw it at me. The candle stand came flying to me and bumped into my head so hard that I screamed. My head was bleeding. Suddenly, my mind kind of twisted. I saw the image of red moon. The piercing pain. Some unknown memories entered into my mind. It was happening so fast that I wasn't able to move. The eyes of mine were wide open as the memories flashed in front of my eyes. After that I fainted. And the next thing I knew was me lying on my bed. My mother holding my hand while her tears were endlessly falling. I looked around to see servants were gathered in my room, my cheeky brother was standing at the door, bawling like crazy and my father consoling him that I'll be fine.

"Mom..." The moment I said that word. Every single person looked at me. My mother started crying harder but this time it was out of happiness.
"My daughter" she said while caressing my cheeks.

"My dear child.." father said as he rushed to me.

"Jane!!! I'm sorry!! I promise I'll never hurt you! Please forgive me! I'll give all my toys to you. But please don't leave me!!!" Big brother said with his eyes full of tears. I have to agree this big brother of mine is adorable. I gave him a gentle smile and told him that I forgive him. I gave a smile of assurance, telling them that I'm fine. For my parents to see their youngest child hurt must have scared them to death. Even the servants were worried about me.

Once everyone ensured that I'm fine. They finally left. Just a maid was in my room taking care of me after that. At that time, I started recollecting those memories. I remembered someone pushed me off the building and me dying. I had a normal life, with some dreams which I could never fulfill. Nonetheless, that's not important. I need to think about my present situation. First of all, I was someone of 21th century and this world is of 19th (I heard my father talking about the 19th century thing). Do people can also reincarnate backwards in time? Who knows. If that's the case then I might have some idea about this era. Man!!! If only I had my phone! It can't be helped. I have to figure out by going out of this house. I'm still in question about the world I'm living in.

One thing is clear that in this world the class system exists. Since my family is of noble background, I won't face hardships. But it doesn't mean future is bright for me. You never know what will happen next. Like me almost dying from candle stand. Well, let just get healed form now and later do some research about this place.

*1 month later*

I'm all good now. My brother seemed to take more care of me. He finally started acting like a good big brother.

Now the important stuffs. I also did some research from newspapers. But it was just simple news about achievements of nobles and wars. Honestly, I'm really bad at insights. I can only understand easy to digest stuffs. But still I'm trying, in order to survive. Not just me but I also want to protect my family.

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