Dépaysement & Erlebnisse

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(n.) - the feeling that comes from not being in one's home country 

(german, n.) - the experiences, positive or negative, that we feel most deeply, and through which we truly live


Technoblade wakes up, standing in a field. The scenery is filled with green grass and colorful flowers embedding the land. The clouds are pure white with rays of sunshine blazing through. The cool spring breeze stings the pinkette's cheeks.

"Isn't it beautiful."

The pinkette looks left to see Wilber. His beanie hangs loosely over his curly hair- which has become unruly and greasy. He's wearing his president uniform rather than his yellow hoodie; it's tattered and spoiled red with blood. Bags hang under his eyes.

"Isn't it beautiful?" The man smiles innocently as he repeats his question. Technoblade finds that he cannot speak.

"Phil used to take us here- when Tommy was only a babe. It's beautiful... It's right beside L'Manberg, Techno! We could have it as well!" Wilber begins to cackle. His brother's golden eyes shine with the fury of a mad-man. "We could have it... I could have it- my L'Manberg!"

The forest seems to light as a fire swells into the dry grass. The area is burning up, and Technoblade can only stare numbly as Wilber laughs. He feels confused, yet unscathed.

"Would dad be proud of me, Techno?"

The eldest stares at Wilber with a mix of shock, pity, confusion, and indifference. He wants to shout, but what would he say. The trees begin to scar and the grass crisps and crumbles where he steps.

"Wake up, Techno." Wilber speaks in Dream's voice. Wilber seems to break apart and glitch away leaving Dream in his place. His mask is on, and his hands are tucked into the old, lime hoodie he used to wear. "Wake up. Wilber needs you."


Technoblade finds himself ablaze at 3 in the morning. He stares at the ceiling in worry and confusion. Slowly sitting up, he drags himself to Wilber's room, and cracks the door open. The middle child is sleeping soundly, unaware of Technoblade peering at him. Technoblade sighs and shuts the door. Stepping into the kitchen, Technoblade hits the light switch- only to find the lights on. He blinks rapidly at the blinding lights.

"Oh, you're up early." He says once he's able to see Tommy and Tubbo sharing a tub of chocolate ice cream- what the fuck.

"You and your bitch-ass woke us up." Tommy grumbled.

"We heard you crash into a wall." Tubbo offered helpfully.

"Yeah, yeah. Can you get me a spoon?"

"Sure thing." Tommy grabs a spoon from the nearby drawer and hands it to his brother.


"No problem."

The three continue to eat, laughing at jokes, until Wilber steps through the door.

"Hey, Wil!" Tommy waves before shoving a scoop of ice cream into his mouth.

"Oh, hey guys. What are you... what are you doing up so early?" Wilber asks.

Technoblade glances at the clock and reads 4:15. "Huh... Would you look at that." Techno grins cheekily; he shoves his spoon in the bowl multiple times as he talks. "I had a nightmare and woke the kids up by accident."

"Well, I think it's about time for bed, you two."

Tommy whines, "Aw, Wilber!"

Technoblade raises an eyebrow at Wilber, "Come on, Wilber. Just have a bite with us."

The middle child sighs knowing this is a battle he cannot win. "Alright, pass the bowl over."


George forced him out of bed early. Apparently, two big shots from "Manberg" have a request. Dream grumbles as George hands him the letter sent from Manberg. The parchment has the president stamp of approval- in which confuses the man even more.

"Hello, Dream!" Dream looks up from the papers he's holding and sees Fundy waving at him.

Fundy the nin-tailed shapeshifting fox spirit, who betrayed his father, Wilber Soot, and join Schlatt's side in replace of Tubbo. Dream figured the shapeshifter must be one of the officials visiting. The masked man waves back and walks to the man.

"Hi, Fundy. What can I do for you?" Dream asks the fox man, shoving the letter into the pocket of his dress coat.

The shapeshifter swishes his nine tails underneath his legs and rubs the back of his ears. "I um..." His face flushed a deep red. "I was wondering if you'd like to see Treasure Planet with me; I've got tickets to the theatre?"

Dream raises an eyebrow at the strange request. "Sorry, Fundy... I..." I'm taken. I'm in love with Technoblade. That's what Dream would like to shout and declare to the world- that the fugitive of Manberg with long pink knots is his. "I can't. Maybe some other time."

"Oh..." The fox-shifter seems disappointed and embarrassed. "Well, could we take a rain check then?"

"Of course." Dream pats the younger man's shoulder. "I'll let you know when we can watch Treasure Planet."

Fundy wags his tails and his ears twitch. "That would be wonderful! Hit me up sometime, Dream."

The man runs off, and Dream smiles and turns to see Sapnap grinning. "What?" Dream chuckles while he asks.

"Nothing!" Sapnap puts his hands up defensively. "It's great that someone's finally taking interest in you."

"I guess..."

"Like, maybe it'll finally stop your obsession with defeating Techno."

Something snapped in Dream's head, and he glares the man down with the fury of a thousand suns. "What did you say."

Sapnap furrowed his eyebrows at Dream's rage, "Woah, Dream! I didn't think you'd take it seriously!"

"Say it again." Dream says with more intensity than the first time as he grips Sapnap's overshirt.

"Dream! Stand down!" George shouts and gets in between the two with a frown. "That's enough! We have an audience after all."

The man gestures to where Fundy ran to...Schlatt at his side. He smirks and raises his eyebrows in amusement; his hands are clasped over his torso.

The SMP creator grits his teeth and mumbles to George. "Don't tell me they're here just to ask me to a godsdamn play."

George shakes his head, aware of the situation between Dream and Technoblade.

Dream, dropping Sapnap, stands tall and glares Manberg's president down. "Let's get this show on the road. What do you want, Schlatt? And you better make this quick; I got somewhere to be in a few hours."

Schlatt laughs, "Straight to the point- I always liked that about you."

"Spit it out." Dream glares.

The goat-man's grin widens. His eyes seem to gleam as he speaks. "I have a proposition to make."

The hit song "Dream Dream Dream Dream (Dream Dream)" from the world's most critically acclaimed movie, also feat. business goat man,, also also feat. cliffhanger :3

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