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(hopi, n.) - nature out of balance; a way of life so unbalanced that you need a new way


Dream went on his hunt for George. It was pretty easy seeing that George walked into the hallway Dream had. Except... something was off. Though Dream couldn't read his eyes, George's mouth formed a thin line; his eyebrows furrowed. The bruises trailing his arms didn't help.

The blond laughed, "What happened to you?"

George rolled his eyes, "Your boyfriend, you bastard."

Dream looked at George with an incredulous look. "Tech...?"

George huffed and grabbed the Dream SMP leader's arm, dragging him through the castle and into Dream's room. "Let's just say you're lucky enough to have a guy beat someone into a pulp for you."

Dream sat on his bed, he smiled briefly at George's jab. He was lucky, wasn't he. Techno was like the golden boyfriend.

"Now, what did you do to deserve that?" Dream asked, half joking and half concerned for his friend.

George crossed his arms, "I'm helping you both out of this mess. I started it; I'm going to get you out."

Dream smile turned into a dopey grin at George's words. In his excitement, he ran into George for a hug with enough force to knock the breath out of George. The shorter man shouted at the sudden impact, but hugged back briefly. "Thank you, George." Dream said when he pulled away.

"Ah, don't thank me, yet." George smiled. "And, before Technoblade decides to kill me, think you could finish your story?"

Dream nodded. "But, of course. Once the sun had begun to set, I snuck out to the arena where I found Techno waiting for me."


Techno hadn't noticed the green warrior approach him, his attention purely on the setting sun. By the time the beautiful giant fireball touched the horizon, Dream was already beside Techno- admiring the view with him.

"It's beautiful." Technoblade jumped, startled by Dream's sudden presence. The man in question laughed, "You really didn't notice me here?"

Technoblade rolled his eyes through his boar mask, "I was distracted." He said through clenched teeth.

Dream smiled, though Techno didn't see it. "Well, you wanted to see me?" He crossed his arms.

Techno nodded, his gaze now returning to the sunset. "Yeah... You fought quite admirably today. I was hoping I would gain a sparring partner- seeing that you're the only one who can keep up with me."

Dream's face heated up. He looked up to Tech. And to see that he wanted to spare them together, Dream's dream was coming true.

"Y-yeah." He stuttered. "I'd love that."

Techno stuck his hand out, "Great... This is a secret though- got it?"

Dream smiled and shook his hand, "Yeah... I got it."

They remained like that for a moment. Hands intertwined, eyes on each other's mask, before parting.


Heads up!! Next chapter will be up in months!! Thx for the patience! <33

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