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(urdu, n.) - destruction of the self; "destroyed in love"


"We've always had the Dream Team on our side, correct." Schlatt offers. "You were my biggest supporter during my campaign, after all. All I'm asking is a union between Dream SMP and Manberg. A treaty- if you will!" Schlatt glances to Fundy. "Why don't you tell them, my loyal prodigy?"

Eyes fall to the fox as he takes a deep breath, "Dream... I ask for your hand in marriage, in exchange for a peace between our nations and help fighting against Pogtopia."

Dream couldn't possibly agree to his proposal. George thought as Schlatt explained his plans. Would he throw Technoblade away like that? The short man looks at Dream's face only to find the cold mask in place; however, George knew the SMP leader was simply calculating Schlatt's every word and move.

"And if I accept?" Dream asks.

Schlatt grins, he's a businessman for a reason, "Dream SMP will receive whatever it wants from Manberg whenever. Just say the word, my friend, and we'll have your back."

The room is awfully quiet as Dream ponders over the arrangement. George can't stand the silence. "Dream."

The masked man turns to George in question.

"May we have a moment, alone. There are some things I want to ask you before you answer."

"Of course." Dream follows him out of the room and into the hall.

Sapnap tries to follow them, but is met by a closed door. "Hey!" He shouts, but George doesn't respond.

"Oh, they're already fucking, aren't they." Schlatt laughs and nudges a disappointed Fundy, "I should've seen it sooner."

Sapnap furrows his eyebrows, "They're not. You better keep your mouth shut if you want us to even consider helping out."

"Isn't your little boyfriend with us?" Schlatt laughs. "You better keep your mouth shut if you ever want to see his pretty little face again."

"Was that a threat?"

"Perhaps so."


"You're not actually agreeing to this?"

"I... don't know, yet." Dream lifts the mask up and crosses his arms.

"We shouldn't do this, Dream. You shouldn't at least!"

"And why's that?"

"Because-" Because I know who you sneak off with every night. Because I know why you declined Fundy's theatre date. Because I know you're in love with him. "Because I know you've been supporting Pogtopia. Do you really want to make a turn around?"

"It's happened before in our history. Eret, for example."

"Well, what about Technoblade?" Shit.

Dream's tone changes and George could swear he saw Dream's eyes flash red. "What about him? This would just further our rivalry, wouldn't it?"


"But what!"

"But nothing!"

"No, tell me what you were going to say!" Dream shouts in fury.

"It doesn't matter!" George yells at equal volume. "Go marry Fundy! I'm sure he won't care!"

Fuck. Shit.

"He...? He!" Dream's eyes widen in shock. "You... you know about-"

George, tired and pissed, shoves the doors open again. "He accepts!" George proclaims before Dream has time to comprehend anything.

Sapnap stares at George's sudden burst with a confused expression, Schlatt appears pleased with the answer, and Fundy wags his tail and shouts in victory.

"What wonderful news!" Schlatt laughs and goes to pat Dream's back. He's amused to see Dream not react to the pat, and pulls out a parchment. "This..." He gestures to the treaty. "Has all of the arrangements. You won't have to get married right away, give it a few months, but you and Fundy will go on dates every so often. Congratulations, Fundy and Dream!"

George stares at Dream's hurt, confused, and angry expression as Fundy runs to hug his fiance. Maybe he just made a huge mistake. 

Hello!Firstly, I want to thank you all for reading my self-indulgent fic! It brings me joy to see so many people loving my work!Secondly, I'm going to take a short break from this fic, so I can work on more chapters and finish another work of mine. I don't have an time estimate right time, but assume I'll be back in a month or so.Thank you!

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