The Colors Don't Mean the Same

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Gray Is Not All Colorless

A/N: I actually finished this chapter a bit faster than I thought. I had thought that it would take me at least until the end of the week and into the New Year, but I guess it didn't. Not that I'm complaining though.

Well, now. Let's get on with Chapter 7. Roll it!

Chapter 7

The Colors Don't Mean the Same

When Gristle and Tempest had returned to the dining hall, Chef was silently looming over Branch, who was still under the glass bowl, sitting down with his legs pulled up tightly against his chest. The female gray Troll leapt off Gristle's shoulder and landed on the table while Gristle ordered Chef to get a proper cage for their prisoner.

Branch just glared at the gray female Troll, not saying a word, as she approached the glass bowl he was trapped under. Then, he sharply turned his gaze away from her.

Tempest stared at every inch of Branch that she could see as she slowly circled around the bowl, feeling a bit intrigued by him. Despite him being gray and unhappy like her, she actually thought that he was quite handsome. The most attractive male Troll she had ever seen, at least the most attractive out of all of those few males from before.

Back from her previous analysis of him compared to those other colorful and foolish males, she could tell that he was a hard worker, which clearly showed in his strong and actually pretty muscular body, and he clearly has more than half a brain if he came all this way just to rescue them.

But what surprised her was that his eyes were not like the rest of him; they're blue, not gray; the bright cerulean color perfectly mimicking the ocean from what she had seen in pictures from books. If he still has a bit of color in him, then maybe there was still a little bit of happiness in him.

Branch. She believed that was his name, since that was what those other colorful, annoying Trolls were calling him from before. Well, it was certainly better than some of those other stupid and ridiculous names she had heard. Seriously, Biggie? Guy Diamond? Fuzzbert?! Yeesh.

Plus, her own birth name was very much annoying and happy for her taste. It seemed that Branch was a fitting name for him, whether he would be gray or whatever colors he might be hiding under that stormy exterior.

Then, Chef returned to the dining hall with a small cage loudly swinging back and forth in her hand. It was definitely much smaller than the one that was used to hold the Snack Pack. This one was clearly meant for only one or two Trolls.

"What are we doing to do with him?" She asked the Bergen king as she set down the cage next to the bowl. "Lock him away in the dungeon where all prisoners should go?"

Gristle tapped a finger on his chin, looking down at their captive trapped underneath the glass bowl, not moving a muscle.

"I don't know." He answered before looking down over at Tempest. "What do you think?" He asked her.

But the gray female Troll didn't answer him. She just kept staring at Branch, whose eyes were closed shut, and he was still slightly turned away from them, not wanting to feel their penetrating gazes on him anymore.

Smooth black eyebrows on flint gray skin. Ears slightly more pointed and spread outwards. Definitely well-built and somewhat muscular with large hands and feet that deceivingly looked like he would be clumsy; which obviously wasn't the case if his quick and nimble movements from earlier were any indication, and his mind was clearly quite sharp as well.

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