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Gray Is Not All Colorless

A/N: I know that people want me to write more on some my other stories, particularly "Catch a Rising Star" and surprisingly "Song Defies Color." I'll get to them soon, but I want to give a little more on this story, because like I said, this is based off "Beauty and the Beast", which is my favorite fairy tale ever, but there are a few twists. It will kind of follow the movie as well, but there are some differences.

So, let's get on with Chapter 1 of this story! Roll it!

Chapter 1


It had been twenty years since the day the Trolls had escaped Bergen Town and finally became free. Everyone was getting excited for the giant party that was being held that night to celebrate. Well, everyone that is, except for one Troll.

A couple of miles away from the colorful village was an underground bunker. A small hatch opened up from the ground, and out came a gray Troll with coal black hair and sky blue eyes; the only bright color he had left in him. He wore a dull green leafy vest and brown shorts with multiple patches on them. Despite his mostly monotonous colors, he was thought to be quite handsome, not that he even cared. It didn't matter to him. He was gray, and that's all the Trolls ever really see in him.

The Troll got out of the bunker holding a basket of food on his left arm, having homemade brownies and rolls in them, along with a dark red scrapbook tucked under his other arm. As he carefully stepped out into the warm sunlight, putting the scrapbook into his hair, he slowly took a deep breath and smelled the fresh morning air.

A little content smile appeared on his face, feeling much more at peace. He was going to enjoy this moment before he stepped into a chaotic world of loud singing, crazy dancing, too much hugging to notice the lack of personal space, and lots of glitter.

As he exhaled and began walking towards the silent village, he began counting in his head.

Just like that, the entire Troll Village exploded into song as they began their morning routine.


Branch rolled his eyes as he began to walk through the village. It wasn't so much he hated the Trolls, nor did they hate him, but they had very different understandings of life. He never quite would get how they can be so happy when there is a chance that if they're not careful, the Bergens would easily find them. However, he learned to hold his tongue a long time ago, since they already think he's weird enough.

But there are some Trolls in the village who are pretty friendly to him. Even though Branch didn't want to really establish friendships because of what he did, he would try his best to be as courteous as he can to them. He could do that much at least. But he will admit, to him, every day is practically the same, and it was kind of getting a little boring.

"Morning, Branch!" A female Troll who was a bit older than him greeted him as she stepped out of the pink, white and yellow bakery pod.

She had pale orange skin with slight glitter freckles on her cheeks, bold ocean blue colored hair pulled up into a messy bun and purple eyes. She wore a pale blue dress with a white apron over it, and she was holding a tray of cupcakes that looked freshly decorated with cream cheese frosting and a red cherry on each one, her hands gloved with bright blue oven mitts.

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