Unusual New Friends

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Gray is Not All Colorless

A/N: Okay, I'm so sorry for taking so long on this. But to make up for it, I not only made this chapter longer than usual, but I also made a video to go along with it. I'll be adding it here on Wattpad, but for those on fanfiction.net, you can check out my YouTube channel and watch it over there.

Well, I'm sure that all of you guys have been waiting long enough. So let's get on with Chapter 8! Roll it!

Chapter 8

Unusual New Friends

For most of the following day, Branch just stayed in his cage in Bridget's room. Not that he had much of a choice anyway. He had already figured out that he could easily reach the lock and pick it with his lockpicks, but he had to wait until everyone's guard was down before he could attempt to make his escape.

However, the only thing that was nagging at his mind was Tempest. How did she become a traitor in the first place? Everyone in the castle called her Gristle's pet and source of entertainment, even if she apparently also doesn't sing or dance.

He needed to get some answers about who she really is, and how he can get her to see the truth. Trolls don't abandon their kind, at least not on purpose.

Maybe they had accidentally left her behind during the Great Escape twenty years ago, since she looked like she was about his age, if not at least a couple of years younger. Maybe they were all so focused on the loss of Peppy's daughter that they didn't notice that someone else had gone missing. They might've also thought that she was dead after the tunnel collapsed, which does explain why they didn't send out a search party.

Maybe if he could try to explain.... Nah. There was a high chance that she won't listen to him. Even though she was gray like him, and they were nothing alike, he was sure that she could be pretty stubborn, if he can speak from personal experience. So maybe it was pointless.

Just then, he heard the sound of something opening, his ears twitching in the direction. It wasn't the door, though. He whirled around to see where it was coming from, and then his eyes narrowed dryly.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear. He thought to himself sarcastically.

Tempest had pushed down the loose ventilation shaft that was behind him. In her arms was a small plastic jug, probably stolen from a child's play set. She had a hand held up in surrender.

"Easy, Stormy." She said, and then held out the jug to him. "Water. You could need it."

Branch narrowed his eyes at her. Was this her attempt to get in his good books? He could still vividly remember her penetrating gaze from the day before, eyeing him like he was some kind of exotic creature, which sent unpleasant chills down his spine.

He then turned away from her. "I don't need anything from you." He said.

Tempest just scoffed. Could he be any more confusing?

"Fine." She said. "Die of thirst. That will really show me."

Branch raised a brow, mildly impressed. Not everyone back in the village can understand his dry nature. He then groaned in annoyance, knowing that he was most likely going to regret this.

"Okay." He said. "I'll take it."

Tempest then slid the jug in between the bars, and Branch took it from his side. "Thank you."

The female gray Troll then crossed her arms against her chest. "You know, you have a way of saying 'thank you' that makes it sound like, 'drop dead'." She said.

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