Planning Branch's Rescue

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Gray is Not All Colorless

A/N: Honestly, I don't even want to know how long it's been since I've updated this story. So please don't tell me. I know that this chapter is way shorter than the previous one, but in all honesty, this chapter is really only one scene, and I can't prolong it more than I have to just to make this story longer and at a consistent length with each chapter. It takes away from the stuff that really makes the story interesting.

Well, I won't keep you guys from reading this brief chapter. So I hope that it's good enough to be worth the wait.

*hides in my secret writing nook* Roll it! *locks door*

Chapter 11

Planning Branch's Rescue

It had been a long day for the Snack Pack as they set up a makeshift camp in the woods. They managed to get a good enough campfire going, along with finding large leaves to use as blankets to keep them warm from the brisk night air. Glitz had settled himself in Suki's arms and buzzed sadly, clearly missing Branch. He wasn't the only one, though. All of the Snack Pack missed him; well, except for one Troll.

Creek looked around at his friends and saw their sad frowns on their faces. They were still feeling.... guilty; he almost gagged at the word, about what Branch did for them? Yes, he will admit, it was very unexpected of the gray Troll to come to their rescue, and he was kind of grateful for it. But what he did for them, sacrificing himself for their freedom, he was pretty much signing his own death warrant. And showing off his new title to the Bergens; could he get any more arrogant?

Biggie sniffed as he held Mr. Dinkles close to him. "What will happen to Branch now?" He asked, almost afraid to even ask the question.

"Well, they said that Bergens can't eat gray Trolls." Guy Diamond said. "That's some reassurance, right?"

"But if he gets caught trying to escape?" Satin asked. "They could change their minds and try to kill him anyway."

Suki petted Glitz's back as she began thinking. Branch risked a whole lot to rescue them, even though he had the right to scold them for not listening to him about his warnings of throwing a super crazy party.

Despite his own fears of the giant and gluttonous monsters, he still came for them and sacrificed his freedom for theirs. He might have his reasons for having such great fear of them; reasons that he kept to himself and that they didn't even bother trying to learn about, but he still came to save them.

Creek huffed. "For someone who likes to overthink, he sure got himself in a pickle this time." He said.

For the first time, Suki felt disgusted by Creek's lack of worry for Branch. Maybe this was the reason that Branch never liked him, much less tolerated him. She remembered when Creek would try his best to do nice things for the gray survivalist, but the guy never seemed interested.

Now, ever since King Peppy had declared that Branch is to be his heir to the throne, Creek seemed very... peeved at him. Was he.... jealous of him? Creek wanted to be King?

If someone had told her that Creek wanted to be King before this all happened, she would have somewhat supported her friend. But over the course of just two days, Branch had shown better potential as a leader, such as kindness, patience, intelligence, and bravery.

She saw his kindness and patience towards some of the villagers, including her own niece. He was very smart, knowing that he built his own bunker and that he can easily fix most any logical or structural problem just by looking at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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