A Rescue Comes With a Price

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Gray Is Not All Colorless

A/N: Okay, there was one thing about this chapter that had been me bugging me for a while. There was something that I was considering about which way to take when it comes to the big introduction you guys have been waiting for. When I chose to go with one path, I hit a bit of a road block. But I managed to overcome it, and now, it's full speed ahead.

Want to see what I've done? Well, let's find out! Chapter 6, here we come! Roll it!

Chapter 6

A Rescue Comes With a Price

It had taken a good hour due to his diminutive size compared to the Bergens, but Branch had managed to finally reach the castle and snuck in through the air ventilation system. It was hard to walk around inside of it, but it was the best way to sneak in without anyone knowing of him intruding, and the best way to get everyone outside without alerting the entire building that they were escaping.

Once in a while, he would hear some of the Bergen guards conversing among themselves. His ears would quickly twitch over in their direction as he stopped to listen for any indication of where the others were taken, tuning in to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I know he's our king, but I don't think it's wise for him to trust her." One of them said to another.

"He keeps her under control." The other one replied. "Plus, she is under his thumb, even if she pretends that she doesn't care."

Branch was a little puzzled as to who they were talking about as he continued to creep around in the vents. Were they talking about Chef? He already knew that she must've beaten him to the castle by then, but judging from her crazy and muddled appearance from a couple of nights ago, it looks like she had even had a decent bath in a long time. And he thought that Bergens couldn't get any uglier.

Finally, Branch had reached another shaft and peered out through the many thin metal flaps. Judging from the many chairs being stationed around a group of large tables, it had to be the dining hall. A little chiming melody was heard faintly in the distance, and Branch's ear caught onto them. He recognized those little dings anywhere, and he never thought he would be so grateful to hear them.

However, his little sliver of relief was quickly replaced by tenseness when he saw that the Snack Pack was trapped in a large cage, sitting on top of a rolling cart that was being hauled out by Chef herself. Luckily for her, she was changed into something much cleaner than before, but that still didn't improve much.

She was following a much younger and more chubby-looking Bergen that was practically green all over, from his skin to his short floppy hair; who was wearing a too small red and white shirt, shorts, and sandals over white sock-clad feet. The only thing that made Branch realize that he was the new king was the plain yellow pointed crown that was almost sloping on his head.

"How am I supposed to feed all of Bergen Town happiness with this measly little group?" The young king Gristle asked Chef. "I had promised everyone a Troll."

Branch looked around for a way to distract the two Bergens so that he could get over to the cage and get everyone out in record time. He saw a little exhaust vent nearby that looked loose, enough for him to push it open further so that he could squeeze through. He quickly headed over there and, with all the strength he had, managed to push it out more so that he could fit through it.

Once the opening was big enough, he saw that there were a couple of windows nearby. He smirked as he pulled out a slingshot that was hanging from his survival pack. Reaching into his hair, he pulled out some stones that seemed heavy enough to make sound if they hit something. With careful aim, Branch launched one of the rocks over at one of the windows, and it did make an audible tap.

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