Chapter 6-North Fun Land

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"Ugggh," Kyle groaned banging his head against the sliver metal locker. That was his second time trying to open his locker using the combination that was given to him. Kyle's old locker had rusted shut so he was given a new one.

"You need help, Cap?" volunteered Bridon Gueermo, a junior who was on the basketball team with Kyle. Bridon was one of the best players on the team and a shoo-in for basketball captain next year.

"It's okay. I think I got it." Kyle replied, making the final twist of the combination for the third and hopefully last time. The locker thankfully sprung open. "Thanks for offering."

"No prob, Cap. See you later." Bridon saluted Kyle goodbye as the one-minute warning bell rang. Then, grabbing his Calculus textbook, Kyle hurried to first period with Mrs. Choksondik.

Kyle sat down in his seat next to Stan at the very front of the classroom right when the bell rang to signal the start of the school day.

"Dude, that was close. Where were you?" Stan asked. "Usually, you get here with a minimum of five minutes to spare."

"I know," Kyle sighed. "My fucking locker wouldn't open, and then I ended up running into Bridon," Stan's face immediately scrunched up in disgust at the mention of Bridon.

When Wendy and Stan were broken up for a week last year, Bridon and Wendy got together, much to Stan's dismay.

"Lay off him Stan, he's a really good player," Kyle reasoned. Kyle had a soft spot for Bridon and thought of Bridon as a second little brother.

"Everyone just seems to love that dick," Stan muttered under his breath. Not only did Wendy always fawn over Bridon, but ever since Bridon switched from Musical Theatre to Basketball, Kyle and Bridon had become the best of friends.

"Is someone a little jealous?" Kyle teased with a grin.

"Shut up," Stan whispered harshly.

"Okay, class, today I want you to complete the worksheet I'll hand out. It's a review of what we learned yesterday. If you need help finding the derivatives, make sure to ask me," Mrs. Choksodik communicated.

"Hey Kyle, you doing anything after school today?" Stan asked Kyle as he attempted to solve the first problem.

"No, why?" Kyle replied.

"Well...Wendy, Bebe, Clyde, and I are going to Northpark Fun Land. Do you wanna come?" Stan offered.

"I don't know," Kyle sighed. "I don't wanna be a fifth wheel again."

"I could get Wendy to bring one of her friends to even out the numbers," Stan offered.

"Do you remember how that turned out last time?" Kyle asked seriously.

"Yeah," Stan teased with a smirk, his mood elevating. "That was so funny!" Kyle just smiled as he watched his best friend laughing. Unfortunately, Kyle didn't have the best track record with girls, and the very few that he had tried to date ended up turning out to be crazy, obsessive, or manipulative.

"You know, you could easily get any girl here if you wanted. I know Bebe and Nicole both used to have crushes on you along with 1/2 of the cheer team," Stan continued.

"I know, I'm pretty awesome." Kyle grinned. "Wendy was looking pretty hot today. Maybe I should ask her out."

"Shut up!" Stan feigned a glare at Kyle and playfully shoved him lightly with his shoulder.

"Actually, I know someone who I can ask!" Kyle exclaimed, brightening up.

"Who?" Stan asked, confused.

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