Chapter 7-Halloween

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"Are we doing our usual group costume for Tolkien's Halloween party?" Stan asked the group. The gang had decided to meet at Harbucks for coffee.

Kyle wasn't a big coffee fan so whenever he went to Harbucks he got hot chocolate and banana nut bread instead. Throughout the restraunt 'Let Me Down Slowly' by Alec Benjamin played.

Although, it was one of Kyle's favorite songs the melancholy tune made him anxious for fear that it was foreshadowing something that was yet to come.

Harbucks was a chain that had recently moved into Southpark a few years back. The restraunt itself was comfily decorated with beanbag chairs and sofas. Since there was always free wifi available, many students met at Harbucks instead of the Library to work on school projects.

"We have to! It's tradition!" Kyle exclaimed shocked that Stan would even ask. Every Halloween for the past three years, the gang dressed as superheros that they had each created back in fourth grade.

For Kyle, it wouldn't feel like Halloween if they didn't do their group costume. Plus, it was their senior year and it would be the last time they would all be together!

Stan sighed, "It's just Wendy is in this huge feminist phase where she thinks that going as 'Call Girl' would be demeaning for women."

Cartman, not liking Kyle's heartbroken appearance, interrupted. "Can't that whore go as something else? You're seriously not gonna let that bitch ruin Halloween right?"

"Don't call her that!" Stan yelled frustrated before turning twoards Kyle and Kenny. "She's adamant about the two of us matching. I'm sorry guys but I can't be Toolshed."

"It's okay," Kyle replied disheartened that for the first time in years Coon & Friends and The Freedom Pals wouldn't be complete.

"The party will still be fun!" Kenny chimed in, "Plus, the remainder of the Freedom Pals agreed to help out with the maze so we won't be dressed up as superheros this year either."

Ever year, Tolkiens family does a spooky themed maze in their backyard for charity. Admissions was always free but most people brought cans of food as a donation.

"Oh," Kyle replied his face falling. He hadn't expected two of his closest friends to skip out on their yearly tradition.

"Are the Coon & Friends still doing a group costume?" Kyle hopefully asked Eric. If Eric responded with 'no', Kyle would be crushed.

"Of course! We are the Marvel to their DC! We will prevail!" Eric joked hoping to make Kyle feel better. Seeing Kyle so disheartened made Eric feel extremely uneasy.

Kyle laughed in response to Eric's declaration. They had created the two super hero gangs back in fourth grade with Coon & Friends resembling the Avengers and Freedom Pals resembling Justice League.

The gang finished up their drinks and agreed to meet at Tolkien's house at 9PM half an hour after the party started.

A few hours passed and soon it was time for the party. Since Eric's mother was using the car for the night, Eric managed to get Butters to give him a ride. 'Kill V. Maim' by Grimes was playing through the stereo when Butters pulled up.

"Hey Butters," Eric greeted the blonde as he entered the passenger side of the car.

"Heya Eric," Butters smiled. Eric was glad to see that Butters had stuck to tradition and was dressed as Professor Chaos.

Eric climbed into the seat and the two boys head to Tolkiens house. Once they arrived, both boys exited the car. Butters, spotting a few friends, headed into the party.

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