Chapter 2

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Heyo everyone,

I dunno why but I just enjoy this one alot! Anyways I hope you guys enjoy! Also they can hide their wings so that is why he doesn't notice them but I have em in the pic so you guys will know for later! 

Yours Truly,



Tommy didn't know why he was so nervous. This was honestly his normal, get dumped at the guys house, start a fight, and get sent back within a week. Something though felt off and it didn't help that this guy named Phil wanted to pick him up there. That just meant he would be stuck in the car for however long it took to this guys place. The other foster rats weren't helping his nerves as they ran around screaming and fighting. "Will they ever shut the fuck up..." He groaned holding his head as a migraine started. Great...  This was going soo well...

He almost fell over multiple times just while getting some cereal as the kids ran between his legs or would use him as a hiding spot. He shoved away the ones who got too close and flipped them off getting a finger in response which only made him glow in pride. He was the second oldest here so he raised alot of these kids. He had been in this foster home for the greater part of 6 years. He knew every kid here by name and they all knew him. Even with a growing migraine he could never bring himself to hate these rambunctious goblins. I mean they also pissed off Ms. Lilac so that was a plus.

Speaking of the plump lady, "Thomas get over here! They just arrived!" She was way too overdressed and had an inch of makeup on. He cringed at his name, he hated that name. He shoved the last of his food into his mouth and took his bag from one of the kids as he stood up. The 13 goblins ranging from 4 to 11 all surrounded him and he grinned, "Harry! You are in charge until I get back!" The 11 year old cheered and all the kids did too. "Remember do not get arrested or caught for any crimes you decide to do! Do not do drugs or get drunk! And give Ms. Lilac a living hell!" They all cheered and he hugged every last one of them before saying their byes and then he walked into the office.

He didn't really know what he was expecting to be honest but it was not this. There were four people in the room one being Ms. Lilac who sat at her desk, "Thomas... I hope you had fun with the kids..." There was rage hidden in her voice and it only made Tommy grin since he knew full well she could hear them. He shrugged, "Gotta keep em happy~" If it wasn't for the other 3 in the room he was sure she would have beat him into the ground. She grumbled to herself before turning to the blond. "This is Thomas... He can be a real pain but I guess you'll find out the rest yourself since I know you read his file." She was trying to act cheerful but Tommy knew he had pissed her off. It only made him grin more.

One of the other two, he had bright pink hair and sunglasses, walked up to him, "Phil said we should take you to the car while he gets your papers." The guy had no emotion in his voice but he did seem very tired. Tommy nodded since he had no reason yet to be an asshole to them. The other one, a brunet with a black beanie and large smirk, walked over to them too. "Sweet! I call shotgun!" He promptly left the room and the pinket nodded his head towards the door. Tommy followed them outside and leaned against the car. It was a large grey van and pretty nice lookin. "So like I'll be honest. Ms. Lilass didn't tell me anything aside from the guy bein named Phil and that he had 2 kids." The brunet snickered at his comment, "Oh well I am Wilbur and that is my older brother Techno. Now gremlin you have a name you want to be called?" 

Tommy glared at him, "Gremlin!?" Wilbur shrugged and twirled a little, "What can I say! It just came to my mind as soon as I laid eyes on you!" Tommy glared more but replied, "Tommy... Don't ever fucking call me Thomas." Wilbur nodded and then turned to Techno, "Ayy silent ass! Anything ya wanna say!" Techno looked up from where he was on his phone, "Hi..." Wilbur scoffed and got into the front seat. Tommy looked at Techno again and his breath suddenly hitched as he noticed two small pink, clearly not human, ears in his mess of pink hair. He would bring it up later.

Techno got into the back seat and scooted over to the far end then patted the seat next to him. Tommy got in too and then shut the door. He only just remembered that he was wearing his old and worn backpack which the kid had handed to him. He took it off and placed it on the floor between his legs. Well this was going better than normal he supposed but he couldn't let his guard down. He turned over to see Techno on his phone again and Wilbur texting someone on his phone looking clearly pissed off. "Fucking Schlatt! That damn asshole drugaholic..." He started mumbling more insults at his phone and he turned to see a small smile on Techno's face. "Ignore him and his boyfriend." Wilbur suddenly went bright red and he flipped off Techno who only sent him a small nod. "I don't fucking like him!" Techno shook his head never looking up from phone, "Keep telling yourself that." Wilbur was about to curse him out but the drivers door was opened as Phil got into the car.

"Hello Tommy!" He said cheerfully to him while turning in his seat, "I hope the boys have been good so far!" Tommy nodded still a little overwhelmed. "Alright good! Anyways where do you guys want to eat? We have a long drive home." Tommy turned to him, "Wait where do you live?" Phil smiled, "Oh I thought you knew sorry! Well we live about 2 hours away in Ashbourne." Tommy knew his mouth was hanging open and he almost spoke without thinking, "Umm Wendy's! Let's go to Wendy's!" Phil perked up, "Alright sounds good! Wilbur set up your damn gps and stop flirting with that guy!" Wilbur made a screech and his face got even redder as he pulled up maps to find the nearest one. Tommy took in a deep breath... Ashbourne was where Ranboo lived... This was honestly not too bad after all.

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