Chapter 4: Electrokinesis

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(3rd POV)

Yet again, (Y/N) and his companion, Bones, are in the same clearing from before. Bones protruded from (Y/N)'s chest, and entered the center of the field. "Electricity, the tool of humanity. Used to power their little toys. They create contraptions that can be so deadly and powerful, yet so easy to manipulate and corrupt. That's why I never use those devices." Bones monologued, looking off to the distance. "Weren't you watching cat videos the other day?" The confused teen questioned. "Never mind that, we have important things to do. First you must focus on the energy. Use that energy to create a physical electric form." Bone instructed (Y/N).

Throwing out his hand, palm to the sky, (Y/N) adjust his attention on his surroundings. He then proceeded to block out everything, and focused on himself. Sparks started to dance around in his hand. Swiftly, he made a fist, through his elbow back, and pushed forward. A lighting bolt shot out his hand a struck the same tree from before. "Fuck yeah!!" Bones shouted, throwing his arms up in the air. "Here, sniff this." Bones commanded, pulling out two vials.

In one vial contained a white powder, and the other, white dust. (Y/N) looked at the vials, and grabbed both of them. He opened his mouth to say something, but Bones interrupted him. "Just sniff it." Bones ordered. Sighing, (Y/N) put the first vial to nose and inhaled. Than he proceeded to the same with the second. "Ugh. What was that?" (Y/N) groaned. "That second one was crack. *(Y/N) freaks out.* Ha! No that was battery acid, the first one was crack." Bones informed the angry boy.

--------(Timeskip brought to you by (Y/N) strangling Bones.)--------

"Ok, ok, ok. Let's just say that we are both in the wr-" "No, no, no, no! You tricked me into snorting, not only crack, but fucking battery acid!" (Y/N) scolded the shadow being. "Well you try to strangle me!" Bones countered, showing off the neck brace. "First of all, you can heal yourself, and cancel all pain. Second, you could have slipped out my grasp at any time. And finally, you told me snort crack, and battery acid, you fucker!" The teen yelled. "Alight I'm sorry, can we just move on?" Bones pleaded.

Sighing, (Y/N) nodded his head. "So, there are two main ways to use electric. The first is a more passive usage. This form is used for machinery and such. Like charging you phone, or turn on a huge mecha. You can activate anything that needs an electrical energy source." Bones explained the first form. Rolling his wrist, a wire appeared in his grasp. At the end of the wire was attached to a toaster. Swinging the toaster, Bones threw the toaster to (Y/N). When he caught it, he glanced at the toaster then at Bones, and repeated this process. "No." "No!? What do mean no, you need to practice." Bones tried to reason. "I'm not making you toast, ya fucker! We've had this conversation before. Give me something else to make." (Y/N) argued.

Throwing his arms down in despair, Bones cried out in despair. "Ah come on!! What else can you cook with a toaster?!" He cried in despair. "Waffles." (Y/N) answered. A moment of silence formed between the two. "Ugh, fine." Bones reluctantly replied. Throwing his arm to the sky, a golden light glowed in his palm. When the light dispersed, two waffles were in its place. He then brought his arm down, launching the the waffles, and landing into the toaster slots. "Now, just grab the plug and generate some electric." Bones commanded. (Y/N) pulled down the lever on the toaster, and gripped the plug. Repeating the process to create electric, he started to power the toaster.


There stood (Y/N) with his eyes closed, and ash covering his face. In his hands was a now broken toaster, with two burnt waffles in its slots. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *inhales* HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Bones screeched, buckling to his....knees? "YOU JUST BLEW THAT FUCKING *wheezes* TOASTER UP!!! HAAHAHAAA!!" His laughter echoed through the woods. "Ugh, will you just get me a new toaster." After his laughter died down, Bones created a new toaster and some waffles, and threw it to him. Trying again, (Y/N) generated electric, and started to power the toaster.

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