Ollie Russel

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I think this one is going to be very cute, also I wrote this at 10 pm on Valentine's day, so this might be slightly weird. On with the story!

Hi, my name is Ollie, I'm currently struggling through the late nights and torture that is med school, although, having a roommate that is absolutely brilliant at it makes it much easier. Will Solace has been my roommate for less than a year and he is already one of my best friends. He never made hated me for my sexuality, in fact, he is also very gay. Our shared rooms are covered in rainbows of every type and it's known to be a safe space for other members of the community. 

I was sitting on a beanbag chair with a cold double-double beside me, trying to finish an essay on Epidemiology when there was a knock at my door. Will only left for a night time Macdonalds run 10 minutes ago, so it wasn't him. At 8 pm most of our other friends are also struggling through their homework, so I couldn't figure out who it was.

I opened the door and standing there was someone who was familiar, but I definitely hadn't met him before. He was shorter than me, was wearing black jeans, a black t-shirt with a skeleton horse on it. The mystery person had black hair, a tan olive complexion, and look a bit Italian.

"Hello, I'm looking for Will Solace, I'm pretty sure this is his room," The stranger said.

"Uh, ya, this is his dorm, umm, who are you, how do you know Will?

"My name is Nico diAngelo, Will never told you about me, ouch, that hurts." the stranger, Nico said. Then I realized where I'd seen him before.

"Ya, come on in then, Will will probably be back in about 5 minutes," I said, stepping away from the door.

He stepped into the bigger of the four rooms, the living room, kitchen, and 'study area' all in one. As he was looking around, I went into Will's room, and, yes, I was right. There, sitting on the bedside table is a picture of Will sitting in a tree with the new boy. I asked about it when he first moved in, he said it was him and his boyfriend, he didn't tell me his name, but it is undoubtedly the mystery boy.

I want back to Nico with the picture, just to make sure I hadn't just let a stalker into the dorm. 

"Hey is this you?" I ask, showing him the picture.

"I'm gonna kill the Stolls," he said under his breath, then louder, "Ya that's me,"

"You guys are so cute together, he has a couple more photo of you and him in his room, by the way, where is this?" I asked.

"The camp we go to a lot" he answered.

"You go to the mysterious camp he talks about, how is it there, he never tells any details," I ask, genuinely curious. 

"It's pretty cool, even if we constantly run the risk of getting in trouble when he sneaks into my cabin," he said with a laugh.

"William Solace, like my roommate, Will Solace, breaking the RULES????" I said, slightly surprised.

" Ya, we do all the time, him sneaking into my cabin at night, skipping practice to go for walks in the woods, me sitting at his table at meals, I could go on," he said counting on his fingers.

"Wow, maybe my roommate isn't the goody-to-shoes I thought he was," I said, laughing.

Just then the sound of keys unlocking the door alerted us to the fact that Will was back. 

"Go hide behind the door, see if you can scare him," I said. He went and pressed himself against the wall just in time.

"Ollie, I got the chicken nuggets and ice cream, want some?"  Will asked as he walked in with the takeout bag.

"BOO" Nico shouted as he jumped out of his hiding place.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,"  Will said jumping out of the way and barely managing to keep hold of the takeout bag. "NICO, First, what are you doing here, and second HOW DARE YOU ALMOST MAKE ME DROP MY MCDONALDS!!!!!!!!" he said after checking to see if his food was safe.

"What can't I spontaneously decide to surprise my boyfriend?" he asked innocently. Will then turned to me.

"Did you know about this?" he asks.

"No, he just showed up about 5 minutes ago," I say.

"I'm starting to think it was a bad idea to give you my room number," Will said jokingly.

After that, I left them alone in the main room to finish my essay on my bed. Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting from Will's boyfriend, I didn't even think I would meet him, but Nico certainly wasn't it. I don't care, he seems nice, Will really loves him, and I'm generally a person who will look past your fashion choices if you a kind person.

Annnddd, here is another one-shot. I wrote this on Valentine's day while considering the possibility that I will be alone forever, so if the pacing is off a bit, that is my excuse. I'm not in university and have never been in a dorm room, so this was my best guess as to what one would look like. I think this might be the last part of this story, I have a couple more ideas but 0 inspiration. If you could vote and comment I would appreciate it so much. (Word count: 915 words including A/Ns)


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