Joice Anderson

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I think this one is kinda cute. I don't think it's considered an AU, but Solangelo has a child. On with the story!

Hi there, my name is Joice and I teach 1st grade at East Ridge Elementary. (I think I made that up if I didn't please correct me) One of my favorite kids is Gemma Solace-DiAngelo. I know teachers shouldn't have favorites, but Gemma is an absolute wonder, super smart, is friendly with the other kids, and unless you make her mad, she has a very sunny, happy personality. She has brown hair and blue eyes, her favorite t-shirt is a bright orange camp shirt with a horse on it.

Tonight is parent-teacher interviews, so evidently, I'm scared out of my wits, but I'm also excited. I've only ever met Nico, Gemma's dad, Nico says his partner is a doctor so Nico always picks up Gemma from school. I'm very excited to meet her mom. The Solace-DiAngelos are coming at 8:30, so I have two and a half hours of painfully lying through my teeth to proud parents. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it.

Finally, it was 8:30 and Nico walked in with a    MAN???? Gemma's got, two dads? Gemma's other dad had blond hair, blue eyes, and a big smile as he held Gemma's hand behind Nico.

"Hello, Ms. Anderson it's nice to see you again. This is my husband, Will." Nico introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Will, now let's get down to business, shall we. Gemma, you can go play with the toys in the cool down corner." I said.

"Yes, Ms. Anderson," She said as she ran off to play with the toys.

Once Will, Nico, and I were sat around Gemma's desk, I started doing the normal routine.

"Gemma is an exceptional student, her grades are soaring, she rarely gets into fights with other kids, always does as she is told, and always plays nice with her friends," I said showing them some of Gemma's spelling tests and addition papers.

"That's great to hear, she always has something nice to say about this class and her amazing teacher," Will said.

"I just have one question, why does she love that bright orange camp t-shirt she always wears?" I ask, genuinely curious. Both of her dads laugh at that.

"That's the camp that I teach at, it's all of our second homes, it's where we spend most long weekends and holidays and it's where she and her best friends play and hang out," Nico explained.

Well, that would explain why she loves that shirt so much. 

"Who are her friends, do they go here?" I ask, she did have friends here, but none of them seem to have known her before this year.

"Most of them go to school about 25 minutes from here but I think Luke and Silena go here?" Will said. They are friends with the Jacksons??!!! Maybe this camp is the same one the twins, Luke and Silena go to all the time. That would explain why she never hangs out with anyone in this class at recess.

"The Jackson twins, in 4th grade?" I ask.

"Yes, we are friends with their parents and the Graces also," Nico explained.

 "I think everyone is friends with the Jacksons and the Graces," I said jokingly. It's true, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, and Jason are maybe the kindest people ever.

"Hehe ya, speaking of camp friends, we need to get going if we are going to make it before the campfire," Will said, looking at his watch.

"Well, we have to go, if anything comes up with Gemma, you have our phone numbers, come on Gemma, we have to go if we don't want Chiron getting mad at us," Nico said to Gemma, who quickly picked up the toys she had been playing with and skipped over to us.

"Bye Ms. Anderson, see you Monday," Gemma called over her shoulder as she took her dad's hand and began walking out.

"Bye Gemma, see you next week, bye Nico, Will, see you soon," I call after them.

This is how it should be when someone finds out someone is gay, treat them just like anyone else. I was struggling with the 2nd half of it so that's why it might be a bit whack. If you could comment and vote it would make my day (Word count: 729 words including A/Ns)


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