Danica Parsons

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Welcome back to another one-shot. I'm going to try again making a mean character, we will see how it goes. I don't support or believe any of this character's opinions and I believe that you can love whoever you like. With all that out of the way, on with the story!!

Hello, my name is Danica I am 38 years old and I just moved into a new apartment. After my husband died last year I was struggling so I figured a new start in New York would do me some good. I just need to find a new catholic church to attend and I will be happy. 

Right after the movers finished putting all my boxes in my new apartment and I had started to unpack the kitchen, the doorbell rang. When I opened it a young man probably around 21 was standing there. He had messy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and was wearing a bright orange t-shirt and cargo pants. He just about radiated sunshine.

"Hello, I'm Will Solace, I live across the hallway. Anyway if you want you can come to eat dinner with us, I know from experience that the day of a move can be stressful," he said. We, huh, maybe a sibling or cousin. I hope it's not his girlfriend, I don't approve of young love or dating at a young age.

"That would be great, thank you," I answered.

"Cool see you around 6:00ish?" he responded.

"I look forward to it," I said and closed the door to get back to unpacking.

---------------------------------------Time Skip Cause I Can------------------------------------------------------------

At exactly 6:00 I knocked on the door across the hall and someone who wasn't Will opened it. This boy was shorter than Will, had pale olive skin and long black hair. He looked emo, he was wearing a black band t-shirt that I wasn't familiar with and black ripped jeans.

"Sorry I must have the wrong apartment," I said, just then Will appeared behind the emo boy.

"Hello, Ms. Parsons, this is Nico, Nico, this is Ms. Parsons, I invited her over for dinner. Come on in than Ms. Parsons." He said introducing me to I assume his roommate.

We walked inside and I loved the apartment, it was very clean for two young men. I followed them into the dining room and sat down at the table with Nico while Will went into the kitchen to grab the chicken he had made out of the oven. Once he had brought it to the table along with some vegetables and potatoes the boys started filling their plates. I've learned to not be surprised when young people don't do prayers at the beginning of meals, so I said a short silent prayer and also started filling my plate. 

Once we all had food I asked: "Do you boys go to college around here, this is a very nice apartment for two young men such as yourselves?"

"I do, I'm a med student at NYU (I didn't make that up, that's an actual college in NYC), Nico dad is a wealthy businessman, he helps us pay rent when we need it," Will responded.

"How did a med student and a rich boy end up roommates?" I ask, good-naturedly. They look at each other, Will almost asking the other boys permission for something, Nico nodded and Will turned back to me.

"We met at a summer camp and have been dating since we were 15" WHAT??!!!???, THEIR GAY???!!!!??? I forgot they were my hosts and burst out.

(the next few sentences are going to be very offensive to the LGBTQ+ community, if that triggers you, pls skip to the end) "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL FOR THAT! IT CLEARLY SAYS IN THE BIBLE THAT HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN! I WANT BETTER FOR YOU  BOYS!" I yell "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL," I say again. I could see Nico getting angry and Will trying to comfort him from across the table. Finally, when I stopped yelling, Nico snapped.

"YOU THINK I HAVEN'T ALREADY BEEN??" he yelled back.  After that, he collapsed into a trembling lump on the floor

"You are no longer welcome here, please leave," Will said calmly, already going to comfort his, urg, boyfriend, it's so unnatural, how do they live knowing they will never go to heaven.

As I stand up to leave I hear Will murmuring to Nico "It's ok ... your out of there ... you are safe ... your never going back ... I'm here Sunshine" I don't know what that boy has been through but I hope that he with grow out his gay phase and live a long and happy life and go to heaven, both of them, they seem like nice boys.

After that, I never went back to that apartment and never saw them again.

Another one done! I said it before and I will say it again, I DO NOT THINK LIKE THIS!!! this is just what I thought would be good for the character. If you could vote and comment it would make my day! (word count 847 words including the A/Ns)


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