New Year's Eve!!!!

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This is another one-shot for the holidays. I saw this idea in a couple Percabeth stories, so if you came up with it please comment so I can credit you. On with the story!!

Nico's POV                                                                                                                           

Every year at CHB, it's a bit of a tradition that when the fireworks go off on at midnight on New Years', you admit your feelings to your crush and hopefully they feel the same way, but the possibility of rejection is also there.

I've stayed away from this tradition before now because 1) I don't like parties or fireworks so it's rare I go anyway and 2) I've never had a crush on anyone who is single before. But this year I figured what do I have to lose by telling Will I like him. I'm going to have to do this before I chicken out.

Tonight is the night, the entire camp is almost buzzing with excitement. I haven't seen Will all day, but maybe that's because I've been in my cabin trying to figure out what to say.  I considered asking Piper or someone else in the Aphrodite cabin for help before realizing that is an absolutely terrible idea, none of them can keep their mouths shut and the entire camp would find out before the fireworks even begin. So I went to the only other person I could think of that might be able to tell me what to do.

Will wouldn't like knowing that I shadow travelled to the Underworld, but I really needed to talk to Persephone, she might not be my actual mum, but I see her as a cool babysitter,  you know, one that you can tell anything and will give you the best advice. Plus, she already knows I'm gay and that I have a crush on Will, so hopefully, she can tell me how to do this.

When I got to the Underworld, I went straight to the garden, not the nicest place in my opinion, but by far Persephone's favourite. When I found her, I walked up to her.

"Hello Nico, what brings you here on New Year's Eve, of all days?" she said when she saw me.

"Do you know about the New Years' Eve fireworks tradition?" I ask.

"The one where everyone tells their crush they like them?" she said.

"Ya, that's the one" I answered.

"Are you going to tell Will you like him?" she asked.

"That's what I need your help with, I want to but I don't know how," I said, going to sit by where she was kneeling by the fowers.

"Don't do anything fancy, just say you really like him and ask if he wants to go on a date with you," she said after thinking for a couple of seconds. 

"Is it really that simple?" I ask, slightly annoyed, I've never been good at this type of thing.

"Then again, I might not be the best person to give you this type of advice, I've never had a choice in who I date so I've never had asked someone out," she said with a laugh.

"Ok, thanks Persephone, your the best," I said before slowly dissolving into shadows.

When I got back to my cabin I had to lay down, I may be getting better a shadow travelling, but it's still exhausting, so I drank some nectar and contemplated how I was going to do this.

------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP-------------------------------------------------------------------

It's 11:50, only 10 minutes until the new year and 10 minutes until I will either have a date with the boy of my dreams or be rejected, and heartbroken. Why am I doing this to myself? I go down to the lake with everyone else to watch the fireworks. I keep my eye out for Will, but I can't see him in the crowd.

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