Chapter 3: Settled in

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Izuku had finally finished decorating the room and he smiled as he saw how roomy his room actually had seemed when it wasn't wall to wall with All-Might posters. Just then there was a knock at the door and he looked at it and wondered who it could be. He walked to his door and opened it only to see Setsuna Tokage, Pony Tsunotori, and Momo, which was a bit of a surprise.

"Oh hey, Momo, what's up?" He asked

"Nothing I just wanted to come and see how you were doing and to apologize again for destroying your room," She said

Izuku shook his head, "Like I said I don't really blame you, girls, It was Mineta and Kaminari's fault, to be honest, you girls just were tired of their actions" He said with a smile

Momo stared at him for a while before coughing and looking to the ground "S-Still If there's any way I c-can make it up to besides replacing your things just let me know!" She said, "See you later M-Midoriya!" She said as she walked away with a slight blush

'That was odd' Izuku thought

"Jeez, she must really have it bad for you Greenie," Setsuna said

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked as he turned to Setsuna "Speaking of which w-what are you two doing here?" He asked

"One, she clearly likes you, and two, I saw you through your window and I decided to come and say hi, just like pony was"

"Wait that was you spying on me!?" He cried

"You call it spying but I call it checking out the new meat," Setsuna said with a smile

"Setsuna!" Pony cried

"Oh come one Pony, You know I was just teasing," Setsuna said with a chuckle

"I'm aware but Izuku didn't know that! The last thing he needs is a Hussy like you flirting with him!"

"I know you said something rude in English but I'm gonna let it slide this time P," Setsuna told pony with a bit of an annoying glare

Midoriya looked at them and smiled nervously, "Anyway, besides coming over to greet me, is there anything else?" He asked

"Oh, actually, tonight is Kinoko's turn to cook dinner, and she wanted to ask if everyone was ok with her getting pizza when she gets off work, and since your now going to be living with us, I came to ask" Pony said

Izuku smiled and nodded, "Sure I'm fine with that," he said

"Sweet, so how did your room turn out?" Pony asked

"Good, without most of the All-Might posters in the room the walls look a bit to spacious" Izuku said with a bit of a chuckle

"Oh yeah, I've always heard about how your such an otaku for All-Might" Setsuna snickered

Izuku blushed out of embarrassment

Setsuna saw this and smiled, "Hey, if it makes you feel any better Pony's room is practically covered with posters of Johnny Depp and Idris Elba"

"Setsuna!" Pony cried as she to blushed with embarrassment

"HAHAHA!" Setsuna laughed, "Well anyway, before Dinner arrives will be when most of the girls come back, so everyone can greet you properly, But if you need anything, and I mean anything, don't be afraid to knock," Setsuna said with a smile

Izuku blushed and gulped a little, "S-Sure thing" He said

"Well I'll see you around Izuku," Setsuna said

"See ya," He said and then he looked to Pony, "It was good seeing you again as well Pony," Izuku said with a smile

"Same here Izuku," She said with a smile before walking to her room, which was just across from his own room apparently.

Izuku smiled and then he felt his phone vibrate rapidly and he pulled it out to see that it was his alarm telling him that it was time for him to hit the gym and work out. He went back into his room and grabbed a pair of sweat shorts and his white shirt and grabbed his bag and headed to the gym.




Meanwhile, with Itsuka and Ibara, they were currently out shopping for supplies for everyone else.

"We got everything we needed for everyone, right?" Itsuka

Ibara nodded, but then stopped, "Do you think we should get Izuku something?" Ibara asked

Itsuka looked back at her with confusion, "Like what?"

"I don't know" Ibara replied "Still, maybe we should get him something that might make him feel welcomed" She replied with a bit of a blush

Itsuka smiled, "Aw, Ibara and Izuku sitting in a tree!"

"Itsuka!" Ibara said "I'm being serious! Izuku should feel at home, it can't be easy for him"

Itsuka chuckled, "Oh, come on Ibara, you've had a small crush and him since the Camp," Itsuka said "You can deny it all you want, but I know the truth~!"

"Ok!Ok! So I have a little bit of a crush on him, can you blame me for it!? He saved a kid, he tried to save his friends despite how bad he got beat up, and then there was that story of saving that girl with Togato-Senpai, and then the joint-training! Not to mention, he's so kind, and honest, and... he's just him! I mean who couldn't like a boy like that!" Ibara cried

Itsuka had to admit, even she had felt her heart skip a beat every time the boy smiled, he was like the definition of a Hero. It's odd how no girl had seemed interested in him getting a date with him, it was even odd that none of the 1-A girls tried. Well, then again... she was a bit sure that the girls in 1-A had a crush on the green-haired boy.

Momo kept talking about how he was one of the smartest people she had ever met, and she even talked about little details about the boy when the two of them studied togethor

Jirou herself said that she found Izuku listening to Video game music and she had wanted to know how to play those songs

She overheard Toru and Mina talking about how hot Izuku had looked when he finished working out without his shirt

Uraraka couldn't stop talking about how he was a huge inspiration to her and everyone else

And Tsuyu had even spoken about how cute she had found his antics like his notebook and his muttering

But surely a group of girls couldn't all fall for one guy, after all, this wasn't some Harem anime story... Right?

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