Chapter 8: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

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"Hey Ma"

[Oh My! Pony! Is that you!?]

Pony smiled as she heard her mother's voice. Pony had decided to give her family a call, and it was all thanks to Izuku the other day. She was thankful as she had finally been able to speak to her family back in the states.

"Yeah Mom, it's me," Pony said "How is everyone?" She asked

[We're all fine sweetie!] Her mother said with glee [We've been more worried about you, how are you?] Pony's mother asked

"I'm fine Ma" Pony said "I've been learning what it means to be a hero, I've made some amazing friends, I'm learning more Japanese, I'm having a great time here Ma... I wish you were here" Pony said

[Ah, come on now, ya gonna make me cry] Her mother said [But we're always with you because-]

"Because you're in my heart, I know," Pony said

Her mom laughed on the other end, [Good! And don't get you forget that, young lady!]

"I won't Ma," Pony said with a smile

[Good] Pony's mom said [Now, sweetheart, there's something I want to know]

Pony was now a bit nervous but also confused, wondering what her mother want to ask, "What is it Ma?" Pony asks

[have you found yourself a boy yet?] Pony's mom asked with a teasing tone

"MA!" Pony cried

[I'm just asking sweetie] Pony's mom said with a laugh [But you still haven't answered my question~]

Pony's face began to blush as she thought about it, "Well... there is this one boy" Pony said sheepishly

[Aw! I knew it!] Pony's mother cried with glee [Come on now, tell me!]

Pony's blush intensified, "Well... his name is Izuku" Pony began "He's a really sweet guy Ma, he's a bit shy at first but after knowing him he's kind and just the sweetest person, not to mention he's also very smart, even helping out with a bit of my Japanese and he's just so brave! He rushes into danger in order to save people and he's... he's just so amazing mom"

[He sounds like a real keeper] Pony's mom told her

"He really is Ma..." Pony said

there was silence between the two for a moment before her mother spoke up, [But you haven't asked him out yet huh? or even told him about your feelings?]

Pony shook her head, "No, I haven't" Pony said

[Why sweetie?] Pony's mom asked

"I don't know Ma," Pony said "I guess, I'm just scared, I mean he just amazing mom, people over here in Japan already know him for being a real hero and maybe... maybe I'm not good enough for him," Pony said

[Oh sweetie] Pony's mom began [You are good enough for him, Your amazing in your own way and you're the biggest hero I know, you are also the sweetest girl in the whole wide world]

Pony became a bit embarrassed, "Ma... you're making me feel embarrased" Pony said

[But It's true! Pony if he can't accept you for who you are then he ain't worth your time sweetie!] Pony's mom told her [But you also won't know his answer unless you try and tell him, so try that first! come on, be brave and get your man!]

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