Something I Would Like to Say Before 2020 Ends

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I just want to take the time to show my appreciation for Fanganronpas. I never went into detail about my obsession with Danganronpa before and I never knew if I was going to do it in the future. I'll do it now.

⚠️If I say something offensive, please know that it's unintentional and I will go back and edit this chapter to fix my mistakes. The purpose of this chapter is to spread positivity and not bashing on other people's Fanganronpas.⚠️

After I finished the trilogy and spin-off (Ultra Despair Girls), and looked at memes and read tons of fan fiction, I decided that I wanted to stay in this fandom for a bit longer. I wanted more content. I was unsure of what to do after doing just about everything I could in the fandom.

Then I discovered Fangans.

I can't remember the very first Fangan I came across, but I remember quite a few that got me into Fangans.

• Despair Resort (canceled unfortunately)

• The Another Series (DRA and SDRA2)

• Kill/Cure (Back when Moboxer was the director)

• Shattered Hope (Before the prologue was ever released, AND when the old voice actors for some characters were still there)

• Deadication (2 year anniversary of me finding this Fangan let's gooooo!!!)

I was amazed to see people making their own cast of characters and their own storylines. I had made a few OCs back when I first started Danganronpa, but I had no clue what to do with them. They were essentially the 17th student self-inserts (aka inserting them into the canon DR universe's casts) and they didn't have much personality aside from their talents (and being love interests of select few canon characters😓). Ever since then, I have been creating my own Fangan cast and hopefully I will be able to create a story for them in the future.

About Deadication btw, since DRA and SDRA2 required English translations, I watched Deadication every now and then. It got to a point in which I started to fall in love with the series, and I was excited when the creator would upload a new video onto the official channel.

I got attached to the Deadication cast throughout most of January through March of 2019. You will see that most of my content before 2020 was focused on Deadication.

I will discuss only a few characters for this section so that it won't be too long.

Most protagonists that I knew were usually soft spoken and/or had low confidence, then gradually gained confidence later on. Naohiko however, was quite refreshing because he was already outspoken and self-assured. He was pretty fun to watch in the prologue! In addition, Sora from SDRA2 was also fun to watch!

Minoru, no doubt, had stolen my heart. I loved his joking laid-back attitude and his ability to become serious in dreadful situations. The cat s*** coffee jokes he made had me laughing so hard and he instantly became one of my favorite characters. I need fanart of Minoru petting/holding cats now! Gimme!🤌

Gonna be honest here, Megumi scared me at first. I don't know if it was her sharp glare or her yelling, but I didn't really care for her back then. Eventually, she grew onto me as I began to see more of a motherly side to her character. Her obsession with coffee also reminds me of a family member that enjoys coffee way too much😄. Overall, I respect her feelings, I admire her assertiveness (something I do NOT have😅), her design is n-neat and uh...s-she's pretty cute. Y-Yeah, Megumi is frickin' adorable, don't @ me!!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

I had mixed feelings about Hitomi back then. Just to clear things up, I never disliked/hated her. It's just that people compared her to Sayaka, Chiaki, and Kaede, saying that she's going to betray the group. I blindly agreed with everything, unaware of the fact that comparing characters was actually more harmful to Fangan creators. Nowadays, I enjoy Hitomi's character! Her design is quite fascinating and her personality brings a smile to my face, especially during these hard times in 2020. My opinion on her is no longer conflicted/neutral and is now positive! I'm worried for her after watching chapter 1 episode 1 of Deadication. I hope that she's okay💔
Hitomi, at the end of episode 1: *Sad*
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