A Familiar Feeling...

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A feeling of being able to understand what someone has gone through in their life. An ability to share feelings with that person. Almost as if you had experienced a situation they had been through in the past...

Rin remembered what happened with her older brother. Strangely, it was similar to what happened to her. She remembered hearing objects falling, their parents shouting at him, and finally, a loud bang followed by a bloodcurdling scream. Rin didn't understand that it was their fault for what happened at the time since she was so young. All she knew was that her brother was hurt and was seemingly going to die. She remembers crying and her parents comforting her at the time. She knew now that their sympathy and concerns were just a facade, nothing but a lie to avoid going to prison. They took advantage of her because she was so young and naive. It wasn't until her brother returned, she noticed something off about him. Not just personality wise, emotionally, mentally, but more...physically.

It felt like deja vu. Like history was repeating itself for the Iketsugi children. Rin couldn't imagine what would happen if there was a third child to the family, how their parents would hurt them.

Of course, Rin couldn't help but let a feeling of envy grow inside of her. They went through the same traumatic experience. They both were traumatized about what happened to the other sibling. How ironic that he became a successful surgeon, surrounded and loved by many friends and had a bright future ahead of him. She couldn't even get out of bed properly. She couldn't even speak. She couldn't go back to school. Well...not like she wanted to anyway. She feared what the kids at her school would think about her appearance, including her small group of friends. The endless possibilities of name calling, gossip, and physical fights due to her disability only fueled Rin's anxiety more.

But most importantly, she couldn't even look at herself in the mirror. That girl in the mirror...no...it couldn't be her. She wanted to smash a mirror into pieces every time she saw herself in it. No amount of compliments could even change the distorted mindset that was influenced by her parents.

Still though, no matter how hard she thought about it, Rin couldn't be angry at her brother. It just felt wrong. He was the only one who understood the pain she was going through for the
past 3 months, because he experienced it too. Perhaps he felt the same way she did years back when it happened. He never went into detail about his side of the story, possibly concerned about scarring his sister more. Rin never bothered to ask him about his arm. Not that she wasn't concerned, but it was still a sensitive topic to discuss at the time...

It was 1pm in the time zone of Japan. Only 2 more hours until Hokutan Academy's final classes ended. A few more hours until Rin would be able to see him.


Exhausted from the lack of sleep last night and her constant thinking, Rin gradually drifted off to sleep...

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