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-Trent's POV-

My eyes open and I see the sunlight, to bright to be waking up to. I groan and pull the throw over my head, turning the other way in the process. I hear slight breathing, and when I look, Ali is peacefully asleep. I watch her, thanking god that she is mine and I am hers. For giving her, as well as letting me have her. What seems like a few minutes go by, and my alarm goes off. I quickly turn it off, being sure not to wake Ali up. Taking a minute to get out of bed, I slowly do so. I get dressed and get ready for the day. Walking out of the bedroom, I go and check on the girls. I knock on their door lightly, and then open it just peaking my head through. I see them both laying on their beds. Jess is awake, tossing and turning. She lifts her head up and looks at me. 

"Dad?" she asks, I quietly walk in, sitting on the bed. "Yes baby?" I ask, her eyes still holding the tiredness. "I can't go back to sleep. I woke up I think a little time ago. I keep tossing and turning, trying to go back to sleep" she tells me, I nod. "Do you want to help me make breakfast for mommy?" she nods and she uncovers herself. "I'll meet you downstairs" I tell her as she goes to the bathroom. I head downstairs and pull out all the ingredient's we will need. Once Jess comes down, I let her make the pancake batter as I start cooking the bacon. Once the bacon is done, I put the pancakes on the stove and cook those. "Are we all eating pancakes for breakfast?" Jess asks as I turn around, "If you want it" I say, she nods. "Yes please" I laugh and go to tickle her. 

She moves just out of my reach, so I give her a smile and turn back to the stove. Jess begins mixing the batter, and soon I put some in the hot pan. Sometime later, Scar comes down the stairs and into the kitchen all while rubbing her eyes. Ali right behind her. "We smelt something good" Scar says, Ali looks at me. I give my three girls a huge smile. "Jess and I made pancakes!" I say as I put both my hands out, Ali looks around at the mess. I laugh hesitantly and start cleaning slowly. The girls help me, as Ali puts everything away. 

After about half an hour, the kitchen is back to its spotless state. Ali raises an eyebrow at me, "I wanted to do something for you, since you do a lot around the house and put up with me and my ranger self" I smile as I hold her waist, gently pulling her closer to me. The girls intently watching us, but hover around us. I give Ali a kiss as I feel little arms wrap around us. Ali looks down. "Group hug I guess?" she laughs and so do we. 

We all then get plates and the whole nine yards out. The table finally being set, Jess and Scar both take a seat. Ali and I both make the girls' breakfast and place it on the table. As the girls each put the maple syrup on, I watch them. "They don't need a sugar high dear" Ali tells me. I couldn't agree more. "We could always go out and do something" I say over my shoulder. 

Silence is all that can be heard, besides the clinging of the dishes every so often. "Maybe" Ali replies back. A moment later, we are all sitting at the table and all the food has now been served out. We all dig in, Ali mainly just picking at her food, which I raise an eyebrow to. "You okay love?" Ali nods, "My stomach has just been hurting me for the past couple of days" she tells me. I rub her stomach, hoping that it would help ease her stomach ache. 

"So girls, how has school been?" I ask, waiting for their reply. Jess shrugs, not really caring to answer. Ali and I give her a confused look. "You love school! What's changed?" Ali asks. "I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but there's a group of mean kids. They tease us because they think their dads have the best jobs ever, that no amount of money is an issue" I nod. "How about this. tomorrow I will come to your school and Walker and the gang can talk to everyone at the assembly?" Both girls nod quickly. 

After a while, everyone is done eating, the cleaning is also all finished. Jess and Scar both get their coats on as it is a bit chilly. We then walk to the nearest park, where they both get on a swing once we get there. Ali and I watch them from a bench just on the side of the swings. Soon, a few girls walk up to Scar and Jess, the girls looking like they wish they were somewhere else right now. I walk over to them, I hear one of the girls say that they are better then my daughters because their dad works for a law firm. Jess gets off the swing, "My dad is still great to us! He may not be a doctor or anything like that, but he puts the bad guys away! He is a Texas Ranger!" she gets mad.

"Woah there tiger" I tell Jess, rubbing her back. "What's going on here?" I ask all the girls. The group of girls look at me, "Nobody is better then anyone else, even if we have a better paying lifestyle" I tell the group. Each amazed with my reaction. However, the other girls flick their hair over their shoulders and walk away with a sigh. I turn to my girls, kneeling. "Daddy? Why are those girls mean to us?" Scar asks. I sigh, "Because they don't see daddy's job as a real job. They only see what they want to see. But you know what? When people only want to see what they just want to see, and not the whole picture, they miss the most beautiful picture that the world has to offer" I explain to them. They nod and get back on the swings, a smile on each of their faces.

Hidden (Trent Malloy) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now