New Years Special

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-Cora's POV-

"We're here everyone!" I shout as the four of us enter my parent's house. The kids run straight in, going to see their grandparents whilst me and Tobias take a minute to place gifts down and say hi to siblings and friends.

Sonia, Lukas, Lance, Tori and Tobi were all sat at the table playing UNO Flip. It wouldn't be a family reunion if Tobias didn't step in though, taking a deck of seven cards and starting to play. Marina and Leon also liked the idea of jokinly joining in half way through the game, so they did, and this made the group of 5 slightly annoyed, if not extremely angry at the 3 new players. Pearl was curled up on the couch, sulking and hugging a pillow (clingy towards Petra? Am I right? Even though she's been dead for a few years now). Callie and Marie were chatting in the corner, listening to some music together. Lance was helping our parents in the kitchen, and the kids just started lightsaber dueling like the little nerds they are.

After everyone had finished what they were doing, we all gathered at the table to have food, talk, and joke as one huge family. All the couples were sat together, Pearl in the middle of both kids, Tori and Tobi beside each other, and Callie between her cousin and Tobi.

"So, Tori and Tobi, you guys found partners yet?" my mum asks. Tori chokes on a bit of her food, glancing at Tobias whilst Tobi blushes and hesitates to speak. "Well... Ummm... Callie, you wanna answer that for me?" Tobi responds with. Callie stops what she's doing and stares right at him, she seemed pretty mad. "Well, I think the fact he called upon me says everything." We all congratulated them whilst Tori and Tobias were laughing for some reason. As we directed our gaze to the siblings, out of no where Tobias says the most random thing. "What is Tori's sexuality?" Through laughs, she manages to say something in response. "Spoiler alert. I'm not straight." This sent the triplets into a laughing fit, whilst the rest of us questioned whether they were ok or not. "Ok, ok. On a more serious note," Tori starts, calming down, "I'm a lesbian and looking for a partner, but it's just not a priority right now for me." We nod and get back to a more normal conversation, mostly about the rumoured splatfest, and a few other bits like whether the new year would be good or a disaster, and also talking about fandoms (there was a huge debate whether Midoriya was gay or not in My Hero Academia, let's just say that Tododeku convinced almost everyone.)

Next up was games, debates and overall having a great time together. Uno flip, monopoly, switch games, lightsaber battles, try not to laugh, meme-ing, a lot of stuff went on and it was so chaotic--well, chaotic is the definition of our family! Sibling rivalries and couples being couples (by that, I mean arguing (as a joke) and flirting), it had to be one of the best nights of the year and a great way to chill out. Then one of the most unexpected things happened.

"Can I get everyone's attention please!" Lance shouted out, grabbing everyone's attention. Signaling at Marie, she stands next to him and he wraps an arm around her shoulder. "As most people here now, me and Marie are probably the longest lasting relationship here, except from my parents of course. How long has it been? I have no clue, my time management got lost on my way to class in high school. Yet, this wonderful lady has put up with my shinanigens all throughout it, even though I can be a pain and very annoying. I may be a dork, a nerd or a very cocky man at times, but one thing will never change, and that's my eternal love for Marie. I am so very grateful that she puts up with me, and I hope to cod that she continues with that in the future." Taking a deep breath and exhaling, he takes out a small red box and gets down on one knee, opening it to reveal a ring with an emerald in the centre. "Marie, will you marry me?" Tears forming at the corners of her eyes, Marie nods vigorously before pulling him into a tight hug and not letting go for about a minute. Then, Lance puts the ring on her finger and brings her into a kiss. A wave of cheers come from everyone watching, and they all go in to say congrats, and look at the ring, as well as some girls being really excited that he proposed. Surprisingly, Callie was being pretty chill around Lance and happy that he was the one marrying her cousin, despite usually hating him.

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