(Even tho i think these are extremely annoying) Bio:

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A/N: italics will be anything that I'm ranting and is not necessarily important to the story, while bold will be anything that is important to know for the story. (this is for A/Ns)

Name: Shinku Seishi (Crimson Life and Death)

Position: heiress of the Seishi clan

Looks: long blond hair, perfect pale skin, a few freckles dotting her small nose, large ice blue eyes, and shiny blood red lips.

Personality: for the most part closed off and cold but is also very sassy, sarcastic, and sadistic. If she really cares for someone she is kind and caring, would die for anyone she deems worth more than herself (most people) even if they aren't on the best terms. Can sometimes act childish but mostly retains an emotionless facade.

Clothing: Always wears a long, black, cloak over her clothes with a hood that covers her face down to the tip of her nose. (her main clothing will change throught the book and when it does it will be in the media)

Kekkei Genkai: The dōjutsu she possesses is very rare even in her clan, she is the second one to ever have it. Most believe it is just a legend, but those who are aware of its existence would do anything to get it. She can analyze a technique (including other Kekkei Genkais) down to it's most finite details and copy or improve on it. She can learn how to do any technique by either seeing someone do it or by reading about how to do it. it doesn't just copy jutsus, it can copy traits like speed and agility. It allows her to process things faster, hitening all her senses and her reflexes. It is called the "Kami no me" which means God Eyes.

They look like this (pick whichever one you like better)...

They look like this (pick whichever one you like better)

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Natures: due to her Kekkei Genkai she can use all natures equally.

Other Special Things: She is "possessed" (said with air quotes). Five spirits reside in her mind, they are the spirits of earth, fire, water, lightning, and wind. At first she thought they were just voices, until they started to take physical manifestations in the forms of her powers. She can manipulate all the elements with her thoughts, and they protect her on their own accord. They are also influenced by strong emotions.

She has a photographic memory.

She loves to sing and play guitar.

A/N sorry if the pictures are sh*ty, I might draw new ones later.

- Scarlet

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