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A/N: It is currently 10:48 P.M. and I am going to try an finnish this chapter before 12:00. Wish me luck!!!

On the eighth of June a little girl was born into the Seishi clan. She had blond hair and ice blue eyes, but her most notable feature was her almost painted looking red lips.

But her looks weren't important to her parents, they weren't going to love her anyway. She was merely a tool for them to use to get what they wanted, a mere pawn in their game for power.

Not that she knew this, she thought that it was something she did to cause their disinterest in her life. So in everything she did she strives to impress them. They only put effort into the things she needed to know and didn't care about her interests.

This was until she was five years old.

She was walking down the river bank when she saw a little boy, maybe two and a half years old walking with his mother. The child saw a pretty bird and ran off to chase it. The kid lost his footing and fell into the river. He didn't know how to swim.

When she saw this she ran right up to the edge and acted on instinct. She put her hands together in front of her and quickly pulled them apart in opposite directions, thus parting the water in front of her.

She ran to where the boy had landed in the bed of the river, picked him up and walked back to the bank. As she was doing this the water was slowly going back to its original position behind her.

When she reached the shore she slowly put the boy down and smiled at the mother. Confused by the horrified looks she was receiving, the girl continued on her walk. Oblivious to the whispers going around about a demon child.

When her parents found out they quickly devised a plan to rid themselves of her. Her mother slipped poison into her food (which didn't work, just gave her one hell of a stomach ache). But her spirits told her what was happening.

This was the first attempt of many on her life by her parents. With each time they tried to kill her it chipped away at her kind and caring soal, crushed her childlike innocence, and chilled her heart that was once full of warmth and light. These experiences changed her view on the world.

After about a month of failed assassination attempts her parents sat her down to talk. Where a bright smile once was there was now a thin line showing indifference, her eyes that used to shine brighter than the sun were now colder than the blizzards the Frost Country gets in the Winter.

Her parents glared at her as they started calling her useless and worthless, stating that she ruined their lives; Nothing she hadn't heard before.That was until her mother started crying and muttering "it's all your fault" over and over again, this piqued the small girl's interest.

When her mother regained her composure both her and her father pulled out a kunai. The girl now board thinking they were just going to try and kill her again almost scoffed, before noticing that they had their kunai facing themselves.

Utterly confused the girl watched as they plunged their weapons into their own chests, dying instantly. Then she had a moment of realization, they were escaping the burden that she had placed upon their lives by ending them.

Silently standing up, she walked to her room folding clothes and putting them in a scroll. Moving on to her parents room, she collected small family heirlooms that she wanted and some of her mother's best gowns. After that she visited the head family's very own library where she took scrolls upon scrolls and all of their extra money. She visited the clan armory next, which held the weapons of the most notable ninja in the clan's past and slowly sealed them away.

Until her eyes landed on the sword of heaven and hell, only one who possesses the clan's kekkei Genkai can wield it. For some reason she felt as though it was calling out to her. She slowly walked over to it before carefully unsheathing it; something that hasn't been done in over one-hundred years.

She slowly looked at herself in the sward's shiny blade, and what she saw astounded her. It wasn't the ice blue eyes she had grown accustomed to that greeted her, instead they were in colorful patterns.

Sheathing the sword and attaching it to her waist thinking "I'll deal with this later", she moved on to the kitchen and gathered food, water, and medical supplies.

She put all the scrolls into one small bag and set it by the door, alongside a long black cloak she found in the back of her mothers closet. After this she slowly walked to the living room where her parents' lifeless bodies lay.

Using her wind spirit she slowly floated the bodys off the floor and teleported them outside. She was going to give them a proper burial even with the thing they said and did, they at the very least gave her a roof over her head and warm food for five years of her life. She owed them for this, and she didn't like to be in debt, even to the dead.

She buried them under a large tree in their backyard, rose a stone from the ground and combined her wind and earth spirits to carve their names into it. Lastly she touched the ground and grew flowers over the grave.

Once done she gathered her things, put her cloak on and refastened the sward onto her back, she walked out the door. She left the small village never shedding a tear, for this was not home, simply the place she grew up. Home. She didn't have one of those.

A/N: It's 9:48 A.M. three days later, I think I got distracted. :P

... Anyway... Constructive criticism is always appreciated so are ideas, but hate is not tolerated. Sorry if I spelt things wrong, for future reference I have the spelling capabilities of an illiterate 3 year old.

Thx for reading :)


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