Prologue 2

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A/N: This second part is three years later, when she is eight. For the three years she's been on her own she traveled to different villages, learning their jutsus and collecting kekkei Genkais. She also made a name for herself by bounty hunting.

A little girl with brown hair and green eyes was walking on a deserted forest path, outwardly looking scared, but inwardly smirking, as she found the ninja's chakra signature in a clearing up ahead, waiting for her.

She kept her head down, stumbling along, adding to her scared little girl act. After she got about a third of the way into the clearing she looked up, but her expression was not one of fear or shock, instead she was smirking. She let out an angelic laugh before releasing her transformation jutsu and turning into a young blond clad in a black hooded cloak. She watched as his expression turned from smug to a horror stricken one. Now with an indifferent look on her face she slowly unsheathed her katana.

He looked at her scared, but as he thought about it, he realized he didn't want to die, and he'd be damned if he went down without a fight. Seeing determination slowly seeping into his once terrified orbs she merely scoffed. She flashed behind him and in one swipe her blade slid through his neck. There was no fight, no struggle, no resistance, her blade glided through his flesh and bone like it was cutting through butter.

Sticking her blade into the ground she scoffed mumbling "and they called him an S- ranked criminal." she then got out a scroll and carelessly dropped his head into it, stating " standards these days are getting quite low." She then pouted stamped her foot and said "and i didn't even get to have any fun," looking like the child she is.

She stared off for a moment, thinking until she snapped her fingers as one could practically see the light bulb go off atop her head. She smiled an almost sadistic smile as she stated "I've been waiting to try this." As out of seemingly nowhere, hundreds of spiders covered the beheaded body. She simply smiled and said one word "consume." The arachnids reacted instantly devouring the body.

This was a technique she saw a kohona tracker nin use about a month ago and she quickly started practicing with it afterward. She took her sword out of the ground and slowly started to wipe off the blood with her cloak.

Growing impatient she called out to the two presences she has felt tailing her all day saying "you can come out now." Shocked, the two men jumped down from the tree they were spying from. Boath clad in black cloaks with red clouds.

Casting a small glance towards the pair she went back to cleaning her weapon before stating, "watching me like that you two should be considered pedophiles." But before the silver haired one could make a smart comment she continued while sheathing her katana saying, "Anyways, what does Pein want this time?"

The silverette too stunned to answer turned to the one with pupil-less green eyes who simply said "leader-sama would like to speak with you," in a tone showing indifference, while his eyes held suspicion.

"Well as you saw I have a bounty to collect, be back in five." The silverette; who she had dubbed clueless, had suddenly broken out of his shocked stupor and shouted at her "hey brat, where the f*ck do you think you're going!"

Sweatdroping and looking at him incredulously she mumbled "is he hard of hearing," quietly. Before slowly saying "I have to collect a bounty, so I am going to the bounty collection office." Not liking this answer Clueless shouted "B*tch you're not moving your pretty little a*s anywhere."

"Perv" she thought, before gaining a smirk and saying, "and you're going to stop me" with amusement lacing her tone. Enraged he threw his scythe at her, deciding she is going to be his next sacrifice. She simply smirked as it stopped midair, six inches in front of her face.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with."

And with that flames started to engulf her, starting from her feet and making their way up. Still smirking she said "be back in 5, K" before disappearing in a small fiery explosion, only leaving scorch marks where her feet once were.

~Mini Time Skip Brought To You By Kakashi With Buck Teeth~

A little more than four minutes has passed and Clueless is sitting down sharpening his scythe while his partner just stood watching the tree line. They were both surprised when they heard her say "so are we going or what" from behind them.

~Time Skip no Jutsu~

About an hour into the trip the girl said "so are we going to the hideout in the fire or wind country?" Clueless grumbled out "what's it to you b*tch," at the same time as his partner, who said "Wind."

"Good," she simply said before she snapped her fingers and the air around them started moving faster, swirling around them in a vortex like shape. The fast moving winds caused both men to close their eyes, and when they opened them they were standing in front of the entrance to the wind base.

Deciding not to question how she did that, they enter the base. Much to their surprise she leads them directly towards Pein's office. Before she could just barge in the green eyed man got in front of her and knocked, enticing a pout from her.

Her face quickly lit up in a smile seeing a face she hadn't seen in about a year. "Pein, long time no see," she said, smirking. Simply he said "And yet not long enough," before dismissing the other two.

"So" she said dragging out the "o", "What do you need this time, an assaniation, kidnaping, tourture, dinner, landry, trash?" she said, starting out stoic and then turning sarcastic. "No," said Pein,"I'd like you to join, temporarily that is."

"How long is "temporarily", and how can this benefit me?" she stated mildly interested. "Two years maximum, and I would have each member including myself personally train you." Pein said knowing she was interested by the way her eyes lit up at the idea of being trained.

"Hmmm" she said playfully tapping her chin, "Sure, living with a bunch of S-ranked criminals should be fun, and I have been getting pretty bored lately." He smirked, and with that she was given a robe and a ring and escorted out to the living room where the rest of the members were gathered.

A/N: there is going to be another big time skip to the next chapter to where the storyline starts.

Thx ~Scarlet

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