Chapter 1

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A/N: in the middle of english class and i'm bored af, help me. This chapter is where the story starts. Her look also changes a bit. Her outfit is the one in the Media just red instead of purple. 

*Third pov*

Over the next month Shinku took B, A, and S ranking missions, only a handful being with small anbu teams, otherwise she worked alone.

She spent her free time training, reading, and oddly enough hanging out with the old man. In her month there she became fast friends with the hokage, and could frequently be caught reading curled up in his office somewhere.

Upon the request of the hokage she also changed up her look and went under a new alias by the name of "Konoha's Red Flame." She ditched her signature cloak and instead donned a mask that covered the top half of her face.

(it looked like this, but the eye holes were completely black)

(it looked like this, but the eye holes were completely black)

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*Shinku's pov*

I was just getting back from another s-ranked mission and was reporting to the hokage. After I had handed in the mission report the old man said he wanted to speak with me.

I don't think I accidentally killed anyone... recently that is, so I'm really confused. "Yes lord hokage," he chuckles as he tells me "Shin you're not in trouble," and I unconsciously relax my tense shoulders. "I'd like you to answer my question," I hm prompting him to continue, "Would you like to become a konoha ninja?"

I mean I do like it here and if I want to leave I could just become a rouge, and with these thoughts I agreed.

"Great, your first mission as an official konoha ninja is an S ranking one, you're going to be going undercover to guard the nine tails jinchuriki" "ok I will perform this mission to the best of my ability."

"You will be placed on a genin team when he graduates, but until then you will attend the academy. Your job is to make sure he doesn't die, get captured, or lose control of the beast, wilset retaining your cover for as long as you can. This is a long-term mission and will be active for years, you will be allowed to go on other missions while on this one."

"When do I start?"

"You will start the academy tomorrow, graduation is in a week, good luck."

~Time skip no jutsu (to the day before graduation)~

After 'waking up' I eat and head to the training grounds. I've never really woken up 'cause I've never gone to sleep, well my mind hasn't. It can't as there are other people living in it, when my body is resting I go into my mind scape and can train, read, or speak with my spirits.

Snapping out of my thoughts I look around a bit confused as to how I got to the training grounds so quickly. Must have started sprinting as I was having my internal monologue. *shrugs shoulders* Whatever, I decide to not fuss over it and start skipping towards my favorite training ground; training ground 44. Usually these grounds are only open to jonin for training, but seeing as I have kage level clearance I'm pretty much allowed to go anywhere I want.

I start by stretching for five minutes to get everything warm, followed by running fifty laps around the training grounds to build up speed and stamina, next is a thirty minute workout, then twenty minutes of Taijutsu training followed by fifteen minutes of weapon techniques, and finally I meditate for twenty minutes.

After my light training I head back to my house to shower and get dressed before leaving to go to hell, I mean the academy. Seriously, I would bet about half of them never survive past chunin, that's if they can even pass as genin, though I'd say it's not all their fault. Sure, most of them are idiots that lack any skill that would allow them to succeed in the ninja world, but it's also the fault of this brain numbing academy. I swear I learned the things these kids are having trouble grasping at the age of four.

Speaking of the snoozefest, I'd just arrived outside the academy building. I swiftly made my way to the window that was at the backside of the classroom.

To make this mission a little less mundane, I'm playing a bit of a game. I'm going to see how long I can go unnoticed, thus the reason for sneaking through the back window. So far only three people have even had the slightest inclination that someone was there. The Nara, Aburame, and Uchiha seem to be the sharpest of the bunch, but even they brushed it off after not being able to find me.

So now I'm sitting in the back corner of the room, a genjutsu discising me, bored out of my mind. Iruka-sensi is thirty minutes late, I have better things to do, like torchering people, believe it or not it's a great stress reliever.

As I was having fantasies about what I would be doing at the T&I headquarters later the door suddenly snapped open revealing a fuming Iruka and my tied up client. Oh Naruto *shakes head*. Deciding to ignore Iruka's screaming I pull out a book on the bakugan that I 'borrowed' from the hokage's personal library, only putting it away when we are told we need to line up for the transformation jutsu.

I waited till everyone was done before putting everyone but Iruka in a genjutsu, I then teleported to the front transformed into him then back and told him to mark that down for Shinku, before releasing the class from the genjutsu.

~time skip no jutsu (next day)~

Today is the day of the graduation exams, and I woke up at two, to do a more intense training regiment today, so I'm a bit sore. Another upside to my mind not sleeping is that I need less 'sleep' and I can go a long time without 'sleeping'.

People are slowly being called to test, I swear that if Naruto doesn't pass I might just kill him. I won't survive another year of this, I barely survived a week without dying of boredom.

I'm called last and so none else is in the room when Iruka calls my name. He looks around confused until I drop the genjutsu, his eyes quickly widen as I make my way down to the front of the room. So he's heard of me, or well my new alias, I can only imagine how he would react if he knew my other name, or even my clan name.

We quickly arrive in the testing room where I am asked to do the clone jutsu. I asked "which one" referring to which clone I should make, but they just stared at me in bewilderment before repeating what they had said before. Deciding I would just make one of every one that I could I closed my eyes and focused on my energy and spirts and then the room was filled with clones. There were regular clones, dark clones, light clones, shadow clones, earth clones, water clones, wind clones, fire clones, lightning clones, mud clones, sand clones, ice clones, glass clones, magma clones, metal clones, mist clones, steam clones, and smoke clones. I dispeled each one individually so they could see what they were made of, and when I finished their jaws were on the floor. I just walked up, grabbed my head band and walked out.

A/N: sry for not updating in like a week, this took SO LONG!!!! Anyways.. Thank you for reading


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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