A normal thursday?

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Yamaguchi P.O.V

As I was mopping the floor, I decided to listen to some music. And so, I took out my earphones, connected it to my phone, and played one of Tsukishima's songs.

"If I could begin to be.. Half of what you think of me~" I quietly sang, This song is one of my favorites. It's kinda weird for me though.. When I met Tsukishima he was salty and kinda mean, but his songs are always so.. soothing and calm.

But it's kinda bad for my situation right now, I was literally in the verge of sleeping. My eye lids were betraying me. Why, you ask?


"Tadashi.. Wake up, Honey.. Thank you for babysitting Oku for me.." She shook my shoulder gently as my eyes slowly started fluttering open. I looked around to see her smiling sweetly at me.

I quickly rubbed my eyes and stood up, bowing. "A-anytime! Mrs. Kitari!" She laughed and waved her hand, "No need to bow, Sweetie."

I looked at her and laughed awkwardly, She smiled at me and pulled out some money from her purse. "Here, Your payment. Thank you, again." He handed me the money and I took it.

"Thank you so much, Ma'am!" I bowed quickly and she laughed. "Oh geez, you're making me feel old, Tadashi." She put her hand behind her neck.

"I-i'm sorry! Sorry!" I bowed repeatedly, She was really enjoying this, huh? She laughed and patted my head.

"It's okay, I was just kidding." She smiled, I smiled back and she let go. "Oh, dear. Look at the time. You better go home now." She looked at her wrist watch.

"O-oh! Yes! Thank you again, Bye Mrs. Kitari!" I waved as I walk toward the door, picking up my jacket along the way.

"Goodbye, Tadashi!" She waved, I walked out the door and let out a sigh of relief. I felt my pocket for my phone but felt nothing. I probably left it in there.

As if on cue, The door opened behind me and revealed Mrs. Kitari with my phone on hand. "You left this." She handed me my phone and I laugh awkwardly while taking it.

"Thank you, again.. Haha.. I-i better go now, Bye!" I waved for real now and she laughed also waving goodbye.

I look at my phone and saw the time, It's already 12:39? Jeez.. I better hurry.


And yeah, I got home at literally 1:05am and slept at 2:00am. It was kinda hard for me to fall asleep, considering I met three of the most hottest guys in japan.

I rubbed my eyes and shook my head, mentally scolding myself to not fall asleep. I continued mopping the floor and singing quietly.

"I always thought I might be bad.. Now I'm sure that it's true~" My voice was getting a bit louder. I didn't mind though, The hallway I was mopping was empty— but I totally don't feel lonely haha..

"'Cause.. I think you're so good~ and I'm nothing like you.." I gripped the mop tighter.

"Look at you go, I just adore you.. I wish that I knew..." I paused, sighing.

"What makes you think I'm so special..." I sadly sang. Then I heard clapping from the distance.

I quickly took my earphones out of my ears and looked at that direction. Oh just my luck.

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