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I don't know anymore^^
Yamaguchi P.O.V

I flop down my bed as I held up my hand at my face. Glaring at the letter. "... Why can't he be a man and face me?" I clicked my tongue and sat up. I need some air.. I stood up and got my phone, I slipped on a big and warm hoodie and walked out my room.

"Hey Mom, I'm gonna take a walk." I say as I head toward the door, "Okay! Be back before dinner!" She yelled. I hummed in response and walked out the house.

"Oh, It's cold.." I muttered as I hug myself. I started walking and Once I got used to the cold, I continued to walk in a certain.. Direction.

And out of no where, I randomly started humming a tune. A lullaby, To be exact. My Father would always Hum this to me whenever I'm about to sleep or when I'm sad. I wish he was here right now... (Imagine Isabella's Lullaby from TPN / The Promised Neverland)

I shook my head as I felt myself wanting to cry. I grip the letter and my phone that was in my right hand tighter. I sniffled as I look up to see where I was, My eyes widen a bit as I look around the empty and dark playground where My father was shot. This was also the place where that Oikawa Tooru fiasco happened... I wonder how he's doing. Probably not good because of me..

I sighed as I wipe away my tears with my left hand and started walking toward the swings. I sat on one of them as I started swinging in a gentle and peaceful pace. "So many memories.. Great.. Or Horrible.. I still love this place." I muttered to myself as I look around.

I stopped looking around and went back to staring at my lap. Where my hand was, and where the letter was.. I didn't know if I should read it or not... This might break my heart into a million pieces or Make my heart whole again..

After 5 minutes of not breaking eye contact with the letter, I decided to read it. But stopped halfway when I heard shuffling from behind me. I shoot my head around and saw that there was no one there, Is someone pranking me? I thought as I look back around and My face was immediatly greeted by a brunette smiling widely at me.

"GWAH!" I yelped as I fall backward on the swings, My head hitting the ground. "Ow.. Damn." I groaned as I rub my head, But soon enough my butt also fell to the ground. I look back up and saw the same brunette who scared the living hell out of me.


"O-oik-!?" I was cut off when he put his hand over my mouth. "Shhh..!" He shushed, I look at him worriedly and nodded.


"I-i can't believe you're here.. What are you doing here?" I asked him once we sat on each of the swings. He looked down sadly and kicked some sand off the floor. "Remember that one time I mentioned a guy I liked?" He asked, My eyes widen a bit but nodded.

"Well.. I called him earlier and... Turns out he has a girlfriend." He sadly chuckled while finally looking up at me.

"H-huh..? How would you know that?" I asked him, He raised an eyebrow at me. "I told you I called him-" I cut him off by shaking my head and chuckling.

"Maybe, Tell me the whole story first." I suggested, He bit his lip and nodded.

~~Earlier After That Shiratorizawa ThiNg~~

"I swear, That guy never gives up." I groaned, Makki chuckled and patted Oikawa's back. "Welp, Gotta get back to work. See ya later." He waved, Oikawa waved back and gave him a wide smile.

'Should I call Iwa-chan..? I mean, He said I could call him anytime that bitch bothers me. Oh, I'm just gonna call him!' He thought as he quickly started dialing Iwaizumi's number.

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