Monty... why? ⚠️TW⚠️

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I woke up the next morning before anyone else. Monty was laying on my chest & we were still holding hands. I carefully slid out from under him & went downstairs. I made pancakes, bacon, & eggs. I heard someone come down & i turned around to see Hannah. "Hey J, whats this" i smirk & run up & hug her. "Its breakfast for youuuu & Monty since mom & dad are working" She hugged me & said "I love you sis" I smiled & said "I knowww" we laughed. I went upstairs & laid on Monty. I was straddling his waist. "Wake uppp babieee" I softly said as i kissed his forehead. He slowly started waking up. he pulled me down & hugged me for a while. "I made breakfast for you & Hannah babe. Go eat something"  I knew he hadn't eaten for a few days. He gave me a kiss & got up, he grabbed a change of clothes & got a shower. I went downstairs. "Hey bug are you off today?" She turned around "uhm no why are you?" I replied no i don't think so. We work at our parents store. It was Saturday so we weren't doing anything. I ran upstairs to check on Monty, his phone started ringing so i answered it "Hey Monty buddy. Theres a party tonight at my place. "Hey Bryceie. Am i invited to this party?" "Oh hey J." i cut him off "jaz its Jaz." He went silent. i told him Monty was showering & hed answer later. I went in the bathroom to check on Monty & i saw him laying on the floor. "HANNAH CALL 911 NOW!" i grabbed the bottle. Norco. Pain killers. "Monty can you hear me." he didn't respond. I heard the sirens coming. I kept calling his name as i started to cry. "Please baby please" i whispered. They loaded him in the ambulance & i went with them. Hannah went to the store to tell mom & dad what happened. As i sat in the waiting room, I called Clay, Jeff, Jessica. Bryce even. When Hannah got there i immediately ran up to her. " i thought he was happy what did i do wrong?" Jeff ran up & hugged me from behind." nothing J, its not your fault. He is happy with you. i promise" Shortly after that the doctor came out."Jasmine Baker?" she called. i Stood up. "thats me" She put her hand on my shoulder. My eyes starting watering. " hes awake. You can go see him." i half smiled & ran to his room. He didn't look up at me. He looked down & fiddled with his gown. "I know youre angry J. Im so sorry" I grabbed his hand & sat down so he had to look at me. "No baby i... im hurt, im scared. I thought i was gonna lose you." i feel the tear slip down my face he looks away as his eyes start watering. "Did you call my parents?" I looked at him, "no i.. i didn't know if you wanted me to im sorry." He grabbed my face. "its okay princess." He kissed my forehead. "im sorry. Im so sorry." He was crying now too. The hospital was keeping him here until tomorrow. Ofc i was staying with him.

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