December 25th

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Eva's POV
Last night all of us hung out downstairs until really late. It's still like we're all 6 years old and can't sleep because we're too excited for Christmas. We watched Elf and baked cookies for Santa (even though we all low key knew he wouldn't be coming down the chimney, it was just a nice tradition we wanted to keep going). I woke up and Anna was already awake scrolling on her phone.
Eva: "Merry Christmas Boon." I said putting my hand on her cheek and stroking it with my thumb.
She put her phone down and turned to look at me.
Anna: "Merry Christmas Eva." She said smiling at me and giving me a kiss.
Anna crawled over and laid on top of me.
Anna: "Do you think the others are awake yet?" She asked laying on my chest.
Eva: "Probably it's almost 10:30."
Anna: "Mmm the best Christmas present would be just laying here with you all day." She said squeezing me.
Eva: "Okay I guess I'll just give your other present to someone else." I said jokingly.
Anna: "Well if it's better than cuddles I guess I'll take it." She said jokingly.
Eva: "Hush Boon." I said rolling her off of me.
Anna: "Noo come back." She said grabbing my hand.
Eva: "We have to go downstairs Boon." I said dragging her out of bed.
Anna: "We have to put on our pajamas first." She said going to her closet.

Anna's POV
I went into my closet to get me and Eva's matching Christmas pajamas, but I also needed to get the ring out of my shoe. I still haven't wrapped it because I haven't had a good chance. I gave Eva her set of pajamas and we both put them on. As we went to walk out the door. I knew this would be my only chance to wrap it.
Anna: "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I said acting like I was going into the bathroom.
Eva: "Okay hurry up, I wanna open gifts." She said walking out the door.
When I heard her walking down the stairs I went to wrap the ring. I decided to put it in a bag instead because I didn't want it to be too obvious that it was a ring. I put in the tissue paper and hurried downstairs. All the presents were under the tree already. I saw that Eva was in the kitchen so I sneakily put it under the tree before she saw.
Madi: "Present time!" She yelled and everyone gathered in the living room.
Lauren started passing everyone's gifts out to them. I told Eva to open hers from me last and she told me to do the same. We took turns opening our gifts from each other. Everyone did really good for me. They all got me nice hoodies to add to my collection. When everyone was done opening their gifts except for me and Eva they all stopped to see what we got each other.
Anna: "Okay open yours first." I said smiling at Eva.
She pulled out the tissue and took out the ring box. She opened it and saw the ring.
Eva: "Omg Boon it's beautiful." She said looking at it. She was smiling super big and her cheeks were blushing.
I took the box from her and took out the ring and put it on her finger. I had to guess the size but it fit perfectly.
Eva: "It's perfect Anna, thank you." She said kissing me.
Everyone "Awe'd" at us.
Eva: "I guess we had the same idea." She said laughing. "Open yours." She said smiling.
I opened it and it was a ring box. No way we both got promise rings for each other. I opened it and it was a simple silver ring with an "E" on it.
Anna: "It's beautiful Eva." I said smiling at her.
She put the ring on my finger and I kissed her forehead.
Eva: "So do you promise?" She said blushing.
Anna: "As long as you do." I said laughing.
We both started laughing and hugged each other tight.
Eva: "I love you so much." She said squeezing me.
Anna: "I love you too." I said kissing her lips.
Ava: "Awe y'all are so cute." She said giggling at us.
Once we finished the presents everyone went off to call their families to tell them Merry Christmas. Me and Eva went to our separate rooms to call home. When I hung up with my mom I walked into Eva's room, she just got off the phone with her's.
Eva: "God I miss my family." She said looking over at me.
Anna: "Yea me too." I said sitting on her bed leaning against the headboard.
Eva laid her head in my lap and I gently scratched her head.
Anna: "Did you show them your ring?" I asked.
Eva: "Yes my mom loved it." She said looking at it on her finger. "Thank you Boon." She said looking up at me smiling.
Anna: "Well... I'm not the only one you should thank." I said.
Eva: "What do you mean?" She asked curiously.
Anna: "Sab's the one who gave me the idea." I admitted.
Eva: "When did you talk to Sab?" She asked sitting up.
Anna: "Yesterday, I felt like I needed to talk to her." I said.
Eva: "How'd it go?" She asked.
Anna: "Really good, we both apologized for treating each other bad. I told her you felt really bad for going off on her and she said she wasn't upset about it and that she actually needed someone to do that." I said giggling.
Eva laid back down on my lap and stared at her ring.
Anna: "I really think you should call her." I said scratching her head soothingly.
Eva: "Yea you're right, I really love Sab, I just get jealous and protective and don't think clearly." She said.
Anna: "I know Bubba no one blames you." I said reassuringly.
Eva: "I'm gonna call her." She said sitting up and grabbing her phone. "Maybe you should go, I'll come get you when we hang up." She said to me.
Anna: "Okay, I'll be downstairs." I said getting up and closing the door behind me.

Eva's POV
I hesitated to press the call button. Who knows if she'll even answer. My heart pounded as it rang. After about 5 rings it finally said 'connecting'. Sab was wearing a Santa hat.
Sab: "hey." She said calmly.
Eva: "Hey Sab, Merry Christmas." I said smiling.
Sab: "Merry Christmas."
We both sat there for a few seconds awkwardly.
Sab: "I'm sorry Eva." She finally said breaking the silence.
Eva: "No Sab I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have blown up like that." I said apologetically.
Sab: "I started it Eva, I shouldn't have disrespected your relationship with Anna and I feel like I ruined our friendship." She said sadly.
Eva: "I know we haven't been close for a while but I still love and care about you so much Sab." I said giving a sad smile.
Sab: "I love you so much too Eva." She said smiling.
Eva: "I think we should just start over and forget all the shit that's happened, I miss my best friend."
Sab: "I would love that." She said smiling big.
Me and Sab talked for a few more minutes. I could feel the bond we used to have coming back. We talked as if we never stopped being close. Sab had to go and eat lunch with her family so we said our goodbyes and hung up.
I walked downstairs and walked up behind Anna who was standing in the kitchen talking with Madi. I gave her a hug from behind.
Anna: "Oh hey Bubba." She said turning around and hugging me tight. "How'd it go with Sab." She asked.
Eva: "It went really good." I said smiling into Anna's neck.
Anna: "Yay! I'm glad we can move past all the bullshit now." She said kissing my forehead.
Eva: "Yea me too."
Madi: "Hey Eva, me and Anna were talking about cooking a dinner at home tonight, since we're not home to eat a home cooked meal with our families I think we should have one here." She explained.
Eva: "Yes that'd be amazing." I said letting go of Anna.
Madi: "Cool me and Ava are gonna go to the grocery store and pick up the stuff." She said walking out of the kitchen to go get Ava.
Me and Anna stood in the kitchen and Anna embraced me in another hug. We swayed back and forth in each other's arms. It was nice to feel like everything was back to normal again. Sab is coming home on New Year's Eve and I'm excited for her to be back so we can all be friends again.

End Chapter 34.

Evanna: Holiday Special Where stories live. Discover now