December 10th

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Warning: explicit content.
Anna's POV
The past few days have been great with Eva. We've been sleeping in each other's rooms every night. We've been attached at the hip. It's about 12:30 pm right now and me and Eva are watching a movie. I'm laying between her legs with my head between her thighs while she scratches my head. This is my favorite thing in the world.
Eva: "Hey Boon come up here"
Anna: "what if I don't want to" I said laughing.
Eva: "pleaseeee" she said in her sad voice.
Anna: "fine"
I sat up and laid down next to her pulling her over on top of me. She straddled my hips and I rested my hands on her things. I smirked up at her.
Eva: "this isn't exactly what I meant" she said giggling.
Anna: "what you don't want me right now?" I said pretending to be sad.
Eva: "I always want you"
Eva leaned down and kissed me. I put my hands up the back of her hoodie and ran my nails down her back. I unhooked her bra with one hand.
Eva: "wow smooth Boon." She said laughing while she took it off under her hoodie and tossed it to the side.
I sat up and lifted the front of her hoodie up just enough to kiss her stomach. Eva ran her hands through my hair. Then her phone started ringing.
Anna: "just ignore it bubba." I said still kissing her stomach.
Eva: "boon it might be important."
Eva got off of me and I groaned out of disappointment.
Eva: "It's my mom." She said accepting the call.
Anna: "tell her I said hi."
Eva: "Hey mom, Anna says hi... mom says hi back Anna."
Eva walked over and sat in my gaming chair. I couldn't really hear everything she was saying.
Eva: "Ok bye mom love you too." She said solemnly.
I stood up and walked over to her.
Anna: "what's wrong?"
Eva stoop up and hugged me burying her head in my neck.
Eva: "nothing my mom just wants me to fly home for a couple days before Christmas."
Anna: "oh, when?"
Eva: "My flight is tomorrow afternoon."
Anna: "What am I supposed to do while you're gone bubba?"
Eva: "I don't know but I'm sure you can think of a way not to miss me too much."
Anna: "Ugh."
Eva: "Let's go downstairs so I can let everyone know."
Eva put her bra back on and we walked out and went downstairs. Everyone was dancing and blasting a trap song. We started laughing and joined in on the dancing. Sab pretended to throw a lasso at me and pulled an imaginary rope towards her. It was funny so I played along. We started dancing close to each other. When the bass hit Sab turned around and threw it back on me. I laughed and put my hand on her back and put my other arm in the air moving into it. We both busted out laughing. I turned to look at Eva who saw it and didn't look pleased. I tried to lighten her up and shuffled over to her, I put her arms around my neck and put my hands on her waist and forced her to dance with me. She cracked a smile.
Eva: "you're so stupid Boon." She said trying not to laugh.
When the song ended Eva announced she was flying home for a couple of days. Everyone was sad but said they were happy she was getting to see her family.

(Time skip to that evening)
Eva's POV
Anna is helping me pack for my flight tomorrow. It's super cold in Canada right now so I'm not packing any crop tops. I keep thinking about seeing Anna dance with Sab. It made me jealous, but I know Anna didn't mean anything by it so I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it. We finished packing my stuff. Anna collapsed on my bed and I laid across her back.
Anna: "I'm gonna be so lonely without you bubba." She said in a sad voice.
Eva: "It'll be ok Boon, I'll FaceTime you everyday."
Anna: "promise?" she said in her baby voice.
Eva: "haha yes I promise."
We cuddled for a while then I told Boon I was gonna go shower really quick. When I was done I walked out in my towel.
Anna: "hey bubba" she said smirking.
Omg... Anna was laid across my bed wearing only a bra and underwear. She was smoking hot.
Anna: "why don't you lose the towel and join me?" She said trying to sound seductive.
I laughed and slowly untied my towel and let it drop to the floor. Anna's jaw dropped. I love it when she does that. I model walked over to the edge of the bed and she pulled me down on top of her.
Eva: "did you lock the door?"
Anna: "of course." She said grabbing my butt with both hands and squeezing it.
I leaned down to kiss her and we started making out. Anna smacked my butt and squeezed.
Eva: "hey be gentle" I said smiling into her mouth.
Anna: "Oh so you want it gentle tonight huh?" She said sitting us up.
Anna stood up still holding me so I wrapped my legs around her waist. She carried me over and sat me in her gaming chair. She knelt down and started kissing my inner things, teasing me.
Eva: "Just do it already" I said not being able to bear waiting.
Anna did what she does best. I came fast, embarrassingly fast. Anna laughed and stood up.
Anna: "you're too easy bubba." She said making fun of me.
Eva: "shut up" I said standing up and leading Anna back over to the bed.
I pushed Anna hard onto the bed.
Anna: "Damn I like this dominant Eva." She said looking me up and down.
Eva: "don't talk." I said while I jumped on top of her.
I took Anna's wrist and held them down above her head. I put my other hand around her throat. I pressed my lips hard against hers. I took my hand off her throat and started scratching her from her chest to her lower stomach. She started moaning softly. I put two fingers in at once. Anna started to get louder. I didn't want Sab to hear us since her room is right next to mine so I covered Anna's mouth with my free hand. I felt Anna come on my fingers, her chest heaving deep trying to catch her breath.
Eva: "You're so easy Boon." I said laughing.
Anna: "Well when you do me like that it's hard not to  be." She said smiling.
We cleaned up and put our clothes back on and got into bed. Tomorrow I'll be leaving for Canada. I just want to enjoy being with Anna right now before I leave. It's only two days but I knows it's gonna feel like a lifetime.

End chapter 11.

Evanna: Holiday Special Where stories live. Discover now