December 17th

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Anna's POV
I fell asleep watching The Grinch last night. It's my comfort movie. I couldn't think of why Eva wouldn't want any of us to know what she was up to last night. I hate to admit it but I wish I had followed her. The not knowing is killing me. I decided to go and see if Eva was awake yet. I got dressed and went to knock on her door. Before I got to her door Sab came out of her room.
Sab: "Oh hey chippy!" She said excitedly.
Anna: "Hey Sab." I responded quietly hoping Eva couldn't hear us out here.
Sab: "Do you wanna play Xbox? I think I'm getting good at it." She asked smiling.
Anna: "Maybe later." I responded
Sab: "Okay." She said and turned to go downstairs.
I walked up and knocked on Eva's door.
Eva: "Come in."
She was sitting up in the bed looking at her phone.
Anna: "Hey bubba." I said walking over and sitting on the bed beside her.
Eva: "hey" she said still looking at her phone.
Anna: "What are doing?" I asked.
Eva: "Trying to decide which pictures from the shoot yesterday I should post." She said intently staring at her phone screen.
Anna: "Let me see if can help."
Eva handed me her phone and let me scroll through the photos. She looked gorgeous in all of them.
Anna: "Oh bubba, these are amazing, you're so beautiful." I said swiping through the pictures.
Eva: "thanks"
Anna: "Omg you have to post this one." I said pointing out one of the photos.
Eva: "Yea I like that one." She said as she took her phone back.
Anna: "Did you have a good time last night?" I asked to see how she'd react.
Eva: "It was fine." She said as she wrote a caption for the photo on Instagram.
I wanted to ask her who it was so bad. I couldn't find the courage to ask. I was afraid it might make her angry. I'm tired of tiptoeing around her. I want things to go back to how they were between us. Before I broke her trust.
Anna: "Eva I think we need to talk about us." I finally said.
Eva: "I really don't want to talk about this right now Anna." She said getting up and going to put on hoodie.
Anna: "But I think it's time we did." I said pleading.
Eva: "Not right now Anna." She said sounding annoyed.
Anna: "Do you even want to be with me?" I asked.
Eva didn't say anything. I waited for her to respond but she just ignored me and started to put her shoes on.
Anna: "Say something Eva." I pleaded.
Eva: "I don't know Anna!" She blurted out.
Anna: "Just tell me please." I said as tears built up in my eyes.
Eva: "I just said I don't know Anna! I'm going downstairs." She said as she left me there in her room.

Eva's POV
I feel bad being so cold towards Anna. I don't know how to answer her question. I walked downstairs and went to grab a kool aid from the fridge. As I was putting the straw in my phone dinged. It was a text from Connor.
Connor: Hey 😊
I didn't know if it was a good idea to respond or not, but I did anyways.
Eva: hey 👋
Connor: I had a really good time last night.
Eva: I did too. It was good to see you again.
Connor: What do you think about doing it again tonight? Maybe you pick the restaurant this time?
I just stared at the message. Do I want to see him again? What about Anna? Maybe it is over with her. How do I know Connor isn't better for me? I guess I won't know unless I do see him again.
Eva: Sounds like a plan. How's 7?
Connor: Perfect I'll pick you up ☺️
Maybe this is good. I went back up to my room and Anna wasn't in there anymore.

Anna's POV
I went back in room and laid down in my bed. Tears slowly rolled down my face drying to salt on my cheeks. I put my hood on and cinched it around my face. I heard a knock on my door.
Anna: "Who is it?" I asked disguising my raspy voice from crying.
Sab: "It's me."
Anna: "Come in." I said quickly wiping my face so she couldn't tell I was crying.
Sab walked in and shut the door behind her. When she saw my face I could tell she knew I'd been crying.
Anna: "Chippy what's wrong."
You know how when people ask you what's wrong it makes you cry harder? Yea, that was me. I broke down and started crying again. Sab came over and wrapped her arms around me.
Anna: "I don't know what to do."
Sab: "What do you mean?" She asked.
Anna: "I don't think Eva wants to be with me anymore." I said wiping my eyes.
Sab: "What makes you say that?"
Anna: "I asked her if she wanted to with me but she just kept saying she didn't know."
Sab: "That doesn't mean she doesn't. She just needs time to think."
Anna: "All I've been doing is letting her think. I think she might be seeing someone else."
Sab: "Why do you think that?"
Anna: "She went to meet up with someone last night but she won't tell anyone who it was."
Sab: "That doesn't sound like Eva." She said.
Anna: "I know."
Sab: "I'm sure it's nothing." She said reassuringly.
I want to believe it's nothing. I want to believe Eva still loves me. I want her here right now holding me instead of Sab. I want to feel her lips on mine again. I'm starting to forget what that feels like.

End chapter 21.
Who will Eva choose? Find out in the next episode...

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