December 17th (part 2)

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Eva's POV
Connor is almost here. I ran the straightener through my hair a few last times and went to put my shoes on. I heard footsteps outside and then a knock at my door.
Eva: "Come in."
It was Anna. Her eyes were puffy and I could tell she'd been crying.
Anna: "Are you going somewhere?" She asked standing in the doorway.
Eva: "I'm just going to meet a friend." I said bending down to tie my shoes.
Anna: "The same friend from last night?" She asked.
Eva: "Does it matter?" I asked annoyed.
Anna: "It does to me, you're my girlfriend and I care about you." She said sniffling.
As I tried to think of something to say back I heard my phone ding and I looked at it.
Connor: I'm here.
Eva: "I have to go Anna." I said trying to walk out into the hall but Anna was blocking the doorway.
Anna: "Who are you going to see?" She asked staring me in the eyes.
Eva: "I'm not doing this with you right now." I said pushing past her into the hall and starting to walk down the stairs.
Anna: "I just want you to be safe!" She called down to me.
I walked through the house and out the door. I almost started to cry. I do care about Anna and I hate to be the cause of her sadness. I pushed it inside and walked to Connor's car.
Connor: "Hey." He said as I climbed in the car.
Eva: "Hey."
Connor: "So where you want to eat tonight?" He asked.
Eva: "How about that sushi place downtown?"
Connor: "sounds delicious." He said putting the car in drive and heading down the driveway.

Anna's POV
I just stood there in the hallway. Anger was building up inside me. I have to know who she's seeing. I just said fuck it and went to grab my keys. I rushed downstairs hoping to see which way they were going. When I got downstairs Sab was sitting in the living room.
Sab: "Hey Anna."
Anna: "Did Eva leave?" I asked hurriedly.
Sab: "Yea just a second ago, why?"
Anna: "I have to know who she's going with." I said walking towards the front door.
Sab: "I don't think that's a good idea Anna." She said concerned.
Anna: "I don't care." I said as I walked out the door.
I saw tail lights turn left out of the driveway. I quickly jumped in my car and started down the driveway. I drove fast but I didn't catch them in time to see what direction they were going. I decided to head to downtown since that's where she claimed she went last night. My knuckles were white gripping the wheel. My face was hot from the blood boiling in my veins. My heart raced as I sped down the road.

Eva's POV
The whole ride to the restaurant I was thinking about seeing Anna standing there in my room with tears still wet on her face. How would she feel knowing I was here with Connor? We got a table at the restaurant and sat down. Me and Connor talked as we ate. He kept giving me looks, the same looks he would give me back when we were talking. I didn't know what to think of them. After we finished eating Connor insisted on paying the bill again. We decided to walk down the street and look at the Christmas decorations in all the shop windows. He kept playfully touching my arm as we walked. After a while we started heading back towards the car.

Anna's POV
I drove through downtown searching for the car I saw pull out of the driveway. After looking for what felt like an eternity I finally spotted it. It was parked on the street outside of Eva's favorite sushi place. I parked on the other side of the street across from it.  I just sat in my car and waited. I didn't really know what I was waiting for. After probably 20 minutes I saw Eva walking down the sidewalk. No fucking way. She was with Connor. He's the person she's been hanging out with? Fucking Connor. The sight of them walking together made me furious. I just watched them as they walked to the car.

Eva's POV
We walked up to the car and I was about to reach for the passenger side door handle when Connor stopped me.
Connor: "Hey wait." He said grabbing my hand.
Eva: "What?" I asked curiously.
Connor: "I've had a lot of fun with you the past two nights." He said smiling.
Eva: "So have I." I said
All of a sudden Connor put his hands on my waist and pulled me into a kiss. It caught me off guard. It felt wrong. It felt like I was cheating on Anna.
Eva: "No stop." I said pulling my lips away from his.
Connor: "I thought you liked me." He said looking confused.
Eva: "I do Connor just not-"
He pulled me into another kiss holding me tight against him. I pulled away again and he started kissing my neck keeping his arms wrapped around me so I couldn't back away from him.
Eva: "Connor I said stop." I pleaded trying to squirm from his grasp.
He wasn't stopping. Just then I heard someone yell something.
Anna: "Hey get the fuck off of her!"
It was Anna. She was running towards us. I'd never been so happy to see her. Connor stopped and turned around to see who said it. Anna ran up and shoved him hard away from me.
Connor: "What the fuck Anna!?" He said angrily.
Anna: "She told you to stop asshole!" She yelled at him.
Connor: "Tell her to leave Eva." He said looking at me.
I was frozen in shock from what just happened. Anna wrapped her arms around my waist.
Anna: "Go home Connor!" She yelled at him holding me tighter.
Connor: "Whatever crazy bitch." He said annoyed as he got in his car and sped away.
I stood there staring into the distance as Anna held me.
Anna: "Are you okay Eva?" She asked worried.
Eva: "Yea I'm fine." I said as tears welled up in my eyes as the adrenaline from the situation started to wear off. 
Anna: "Come on let's go get in my car." She said leading me toward her car keeping her arm wrapped snuggly around my waist.
Anna helped me into the car and got in on her side.
Anna: "Are you sure you're alright?" She asked again.
Eva: "Yea I just can't believe he would do that." I said wiping the tears from my face.
Anna: "I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner." She said apologetically.
I didn't say anything. I just sat there wondering what would've happened if Anna hadn't shown up. She started driving us towards home.
Eva: "Can we go somewhere? I don't want to go home yet." I asked her.
Anna: "Of course I know a place." She said.

End chapter 22.

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