December 6th (Night)

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Warning: explicit content.
Anna's POV
We finally pulled into the driveway after our date. I was squeezing Eva's inner thigh the whole way home hoping to get her in the mood for what I wanted to do to her. I got out of the car and went to open her door. Eva hopped out of the car and wrapped her hands around my waist leaning in for a kiss. We started aggressively making out. I pushed her up against the side of my car and wrapped my hand around her throat. I forced my hips against hers. Eva was breathing heavily. I was lost with lust for this perfect girl. Eva grabbed my shoulders pushing me off.
Eva: "let's go inside... I'm ready."
She didn't have to tell me twice. I grabbed her hand and we started running towards the front door. I peaked inside to make sure no one was waiting up for us. When the coast was clear I led her up to my room. As soon as we were both inside I locked the door and kicked off my shoes, she did the same. I turned my LED lights all the way down and set them to red. I grabbed Eva and started kissing her fast. I pulled off her flannel and pushed her to the bed. I laid flat on top off her, we started grinding against each other while we made out. I pulled away and slid my hands under her crop top grabbing her breasts.
Anna: "can I take this off?"
Eva: "yes" she said breathing heavily.
I stood up while she sat up on the edge of my bed. I pulled her top off over her head and she unclipped her bra throwing it to the side. God this girl is sexy as hell. She stood up and started kissing me again, her bare chest against mine. I started unbuttoning her jeans...
Anna: "you don't need these on do you?" I asked
Eva: "no not at all" she said taking them off hurriedly leaving her in only a thong.
Eva: "I think you're a little overdressed Anna."
Anna: "let's fix that." I said as I pulled off my hoodie and sweatpants leaving me in a sports bra and underwear.
We laid on the bed again kissing. I slowly traced my fingers down to beneath her bellybutton and back up to her neck several times.
Eva: "take them off please Anna" she whispered in my ear referring to her thong. I sat up and slid her thong off of her hips and threw them on the floor. I stared admiring her naked body. I took off my sports bra and threw it off to the side. I started kissing her neck leaving hickeys all over her neck and chest.
Anna: "are you sure?" I whispered softly
Eva: "yes" she moaned quietly.
I started kissing her neck again. I slowly slid my middle finger inside her. Her body tensed at the sensation. She was soaked. I gently kissed her parted lips. Moving my finger in and out and then adding a second finger. I sped up the rhythm which made her moan loudly in my ear. I moved my tongue down her body until I was at her clit.
Eva: "omg don't stop Anna!" She moaned.
I moved my middle and ring finger in and out faster and faster.
Eva: "don't stop please! I'm about to-"
I felt her insides pulsing as she came on my fingers. Her whole body shook and her toes curled. She relaxed breathing deep and heavy.
Anna: "that was so hot bubba." I said as I sat up and kissed her neck gently.
Eva: "omg that was amazing"
Eva sat up and straddled my lap wrapping her naked body around my partially naked one.
Eva: "why don't we finish this in the shower?"
Anna: "that would be fantastic."
We both got up and I followed behind Eva to my bathroom, watching her bare behind as she walked.
Eva started running the water, I took off my underwear and we hopped in. Eva pushed me against the wall of the shower and started kissing my neck putting her hand on my stomach. She was so sexy. Her hand lowered and she slid her finger gently inside of me. It made me let out a small moan and Eva giggled softly.
Eva: "do you like that?"
I couldn't get out the words but one look at my face would confirm how I was feeling. My head was tilted back while Eva licked my neck up to my ear. She got down on her knees and started licking me there. She pushed her tongue in and out of me. It felt so good it made my legs weak. I put my hand on her head for support. I was so close. I was moaning uncontrollably. I finally came and almost collapsed in the process. Eva stood up and and we hugged each other breathing heavily for what felt like forever. We washed up and got dressed. I let Eva wear some of my sweats and a baggy t shirt. We got into bed, both exhausted after everything. We fell asleep in each other's arms. It was the best night of my life.

End chapter 9.
Sorry for going a little fifty shades there lmao.

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