· Thunderstorms ·

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Mia's POV- 8 am


"Mia, cmon, get up. We have to leave in half an hour"

I groan and roll over in bed, hugging my pillow to my chest at the sound of Josh's voice. It feels early in the morning and I'm fucking exhausted. 


Josh's voice is gentle now as he shakes my shoulder.

"I'm up," I yawn, opening my eyes and reaching for my phone. 

"Alright, I'll make you a cup of tea and some toast"

Josh ruffles my hair before leaving my bedroom. I hate having Sidemen shoots so early in the morning. 


After showering and dressing, I join Josh in the kitchen and we have breakfast together. 


"Are you ready to go?" Josh asks, grabbing his bag from the floor. 

I nod whilst grabbing my own bag. Freya's still asleep so Josh makes sure to shut the front door behind us quietly on our way out. 

Josh and I take the lift down to the car park and make our way to Kon's car waiting for us. He kindly offered to drive us to the shoot since Freya has to use Josh's car at ten. 

"Morning!" Kon smiles as Josh and I clamber into the back of his new BMW x6. "How are you guys?"

"Very good," Josh replies. "How about you, mate? Kirsty okay?"

Kon nods as he begins driving out of the car park. "Yeah, everyone's good. The weather not so much apparently"

I look out the window and see Kon's right. The typical English weather has decided to come out and play with the day.

"Uy, yuy, yuy," Josh tuts, rubbing his hands together. "I do love a good storm"

In the distance, my eyes latch onto some pretty dark clouds. I really hope it's just rain. Thunder scares the hell out of me and it's a really babyish fear of mine that I wish to keep hidden. I'm sixteen for crying out loud. 

I shouldn't be scared of anything except carbs and no Wi-Fi connection. 


We get to the shoot after twenty minutes of London traffic and realize that almost everyone else is also late. 

A couple of people from sound and camera crew are here, but most of the boys are missing. Simon and JJ are here, but the other four are nowhere to be seen. 


Simon walks towards me as I'm sat on a bench, on the sidelines of the shoot. People always assume it's boring for me to have to sit on the side but if you ask me I find it pretty fun being able to hear all the bloopers and see the behind-the-scenes of each and every shoot. 

"The guys not here yet?" I ask, taking off my headphones as Simon sits next to me. 

Simon shakes his head. "The traffic is really bad today. They'll be here soon hopefully"

I nod and watch as JJ tries to impress the lady who owns the venue with his worm dance move. To be fair to the guy, he can do it quite well. 

"So, how you been?" Simon asks, tapping my leg to get my attention. 

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