· Overprotective Josh ·

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Mia's POV


I wake up to the sound of something shattering.

I sit up in bed and stretch, grabbing my phone to see what time it is. The time reads eight am and I groan. Who the hell gets up at this time on a weekend?

I slide out of bed and pull an oversized shirt over my bra and sleeping shorts before opening my bedroom door to investigate the noise. I walk down the short hall and chuckle when I see Josh sweeping up some broken glass off the kitchen floor.

"Morning," I smile, walking towards him.

"Hey," he sighs, gently pushing me back as he grabs the broom. "Careful. There's glass everywhere"

I step back a few steps and watch as he sweeps all the glass into a dustpan. He chucks the broken pieces into the bin and asks me to grab the hoover from Freya's office.


Once the glass is cleared up, Josh makes breakfast. He slices three bagels and puts them in the toaster to crisp up. I help him butter the bagels and then assemble the scrambled egg, bacon and sausage slices before plating them and setting the table.

Josh pours coffee and I make myself a tea since I'm not quite fond of coffee yet.

"Oh, Freya!" Josh calls in a sing-song voice. "Breakfast!"

Freya exits their bedroom quick in a bathrobe and bare face. She seems surprised to see me up at this hour and I can't blame her. I love sleep.

"Goodmorning honey," Freya smiles, pressing a kiss to my cheek as she squeezes my shoulders gently.

"Morning," I smile back, sitting at my usual spot at the table.

Josh and Freya exchange a kiss and smile as they already start to share light banter amongst themselves. It's sweet how they can love and bully each other at the same time.


"What are your plans for today?" Freya asks, sipping coffee as she looks at Josh.

"Sidemen shoot," Josh replies. "I'm also dropping Mia off at the mall to meet Carson"

"Ooo," Freya smirks, winking at me. "What do you two have planned for today?"

I roll my eyes. Freya thinks everyone I mention is a love interest.

"He and I are just friends. He wanted to hang out"

"You two have been hanging out a lot lately," Josh points out, walking to the sink to rinse his plate.

"Yeah," Freya smiles. "It's sweet that you two hit it off at Callux's party"

I shrug. "We just kinda clicked. We've only known each other for a month though"

I finish the last of my bagel and join Josh at the sink to wash my plate. I feel a blush rise to my cheeks as Freya continues to talk about Carson and how she admires his "attitude" towards life. Whatever the fuck that means.

"So when will you be back from your date?" Freya asks, smiling widely.

"It's not a date, and we're just going to have lunch and shop for a bit," I reply. "So probably around four or five"

Freya and Josh share a glance and I suddenly feel like I've overstepped. I start to backtrack.

"If that's okay with you two? I can be home earlier if you need me to-"

"No," Freya says, shaking her head. "That's completely fine, darling"

"I'll be done at that time," Josh smiles, putting an arm around my shoulders. "I'll pick you up"

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