· Meeting the Sidemen and Accepting Rules ·

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Mia's POV


"Does this outfit look okay?" I sigh, walking into Freya and Josh's room to show Freya. 

Josh is out at meetings until three pm so Freya and I are just chilling all day. Tonight, however, is the night I meet the rest of the Sidemen and Freya's friends Talia, Gee, and Lexie. 

"Aww, cute!" Freya smiles, sitting up on her bed. "I love it!"

"It doesn't make me look fat?" I sigh, feeling my hands touch my stomach. 

"Stop that!" Freya frowns. "You look gorgeous"

I smile and turn around to look at myself in her full-length mirror. I look okay, I guess. I could look better, but that's just my face's fault. 

"I've got some earrings that match that shirt if you want to try them on?"

"Sure," I reply shyly. "Thanks"

Freya leads me to the bathroom and opens the second drawer by the mirror. She takes out a beautiful cream box and opens it, revealing angel wing earrings. They take my breath away and Freya chuckles, taking them from the box and handing them to me. 

"You can have them for yourself if you'd like," Freya says, resting her hands on my shoulders as I put the earrings in. "I never wear them and they look way better on you"

Once they're in, I turn my head from side to side, admiring the earrings from every angle. They're truly beautiful and Freya must think so too because she's smiling a lot. 

"My beautiful girl," Freya sighs, hugging me from behind. 

I smile and look at us hugging in the mirror. I love Freya so much. Ever since being adopted, she's set out to be the best friend and sister I've never had. She doesn't strike me as a mum because she's so much more special than that. Our bond is different.


Josh gets home earlier than expected and he seems in a good mood. He brings flowers for Freya and a smaller bouquet for me. 

Freya and I both hug him and he smiles, hugging us back. I'm finally starting to feel like I belong with them. 


After a lunch of chicken and salad, Josh and Freya sit me down to talk to me about something. 

"Did I do something?" I ask, nibbling my thumbnail anxiously.

"No," Josh replies, ruffling my hair as he walks back to his side of the living room sofa. "Freya and I just wanted to go over some house rules and expectations"

I nod and feel my stomach tie knots within itself. It's stupid to get nervous about rules, but I get nervous about everything so please, allow me. 

"First rule: Curfew is at five-thirty, no more and no less unless Freya and I allow you to stay out longer. This prevents you from being out in the dark with creepy people and it lets Frey and I know you're home and safe under our protection, yeah?"

I nod. I've never had a curfew before, but I think this one is pretty reasonable. I never leave the flat anyway so there's no point.

"Second rule: No bad language or backtalk. Josh and I would like to be respected at all times. If you get angry one day, we'd like you to cool off in your room before speaking to us. Is that clear?"

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