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Lily took the book with high trepidation, she really was terrified of what she was about to read. Last time her son had found out something crucial about the school, he charged headfirst into danger. He had just discovered that Moaning Myrtle might have been a victim, what if Myrtle told him something more? She had no doubts he would do the same thing again. She knew if Harry figured out where the Chamber was, he very well might go down there and figure it out on his own. Throwing him a wayward look, all he could offer her was a wane smile, but it was enough. She smiled back and forced herself to read.

"Agreed," Sirius nodded, "that's why it pays to talk to all the ghosts at some point or another."

"Do you not remember the cloak?" James demanded, "it will be difficult sure, but not impossible."

"I didn't like using the cloak unless I absolutely had to," Harry disagreed, "didn't want anything to happen to it, or for a teacher to confiscate it. So I didn't want to risk it, not then anyways."

James nodded in understanding.

"I guess without Hermione, you forgot about them?" Remus asked.

"Yeah," Harry agreed.

"Why wouldn't he think so?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, the school has awful stuff happening to it all the time, I swear the teachers would still hold exams if there was just one student left," James agreed.

"Oh yeah, they've all got their noses to the books I'm sure," Sirius snorted.

All four of them gave Harry a wane smile, sorry to tell him that they had gone to school in much the same fearful conditions. Not necessarily with a monster running loose inside the school, but the monster running loose on the outside hadn't exactly made for the best environment.

"I'm sure that just made her day," Remus snorted.

"Oh, I'm sure you're just exaggerating," Lily grinned, "you learn more in your classes then you think you do."

Harry shrugged, his learning had been the last thing on his mind those past few weeks so at the time he probably couldn't have come up with a first-year spell.

"Sounds like a lovely expression," James chuckled.

Then all five of them winced, Lily saying, "he really should go and ask for a new wand now. I'm sure his parents aren't still mad about the car thing, just tell them an accident happened."

"I'm very sure he doesn't," Harry said, shaking his head from side to side, and wondering something. Something about Ron's wand, and a few days before exams? Did he learn something new, about the Chamber- his thoughts were cut off as Lily continued.

"I like all of those suggestions," Sirius chuckled.

Harry made a choking noise and pressed his palm to his forehead, which the others did notice this time. Sadly when asked though, all he could say was "Something happens on that day. Something about Ron's wand...but I can't remember" he finished in frustration, this time leaning back and forcing himself not to pry into his memories without prompting. The four of them exchanged very world weary looks, knowing by now that if Harry had a memory this powerful, it was something significant. Whether good or bad, couldn't be guessed.

"Hermione," they all said at once, Sirius adding on, "hopefully that's what you're trying to remember. I've no idea what Ron's wand would have to do with it, but I'm sure Hermione waking up is it." He finished with far more hope in his voice then he actually felt.

Harry nodded, not feeling this answer was any more correct than Sirius. Hermione woke up, of that he was sure, but it wasn't what this feeling was.

The Life that Never Lived ? (Chamber of Secrets)Where stories live. Discover now